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Ho, ho! you looks a bit less varmently howdacious now, my flash cove!" Varney hitherto had not known one pang of fear, one quicker beat of the heart before. He breathed loud.

"Wot an 'orrible crittur!" exclaimed Jim Scroggles, in amazement at the sight. "The howdacious willain!" remarked Rokens. "Is that another on ahead?" said Glynn, pointing to an object floating on the water about a hundred yards up the river: for they had passed the lake, and were now ascending another stream. "D'ye see it, Ailie? Look!"

Stirn was much too vigilant a right-hand man, much too zealous a friend of law and order, not to regard such proceedings with horror and alarm. Stirn had something "very partikler to communicate about a most howdacious midnight 'spiracy and 'sault." The squire stared, and bade Mr. Stirn be admitted. "Well?" cried the squire, suspending the operation of stropping his razor. Mr. Stirn groaned.

Ho, ho! you looks a bit less varmently howdacious now, my flash cove!" Varney hitherto had not known one pang of fear, one quicker beat of the heart before. He breathed loud.

Then my mate used to try it on with other tricks, but I wouldn't have it, and I've had no end o' rows with my messmates on account o' that little chap, for I've got to love him like a brother a'most ah, more than you do your dog; but he's that howdacious artful that I get ashamed on him.

Stirn was much too vigilant a right-hand man, much too zealous a friend of law and order, not to regard such proceedings with horror and alarm. Stirn had something "very partikler to communicate about a most howdacious midnight 'spiracy and 'sault." The squire stared, and bade Mr. Stirn be admitted. "Well?" cried the squire, suspending the operation of stropping his razor. Mr. Stirn groaned.

He's getting a nice howdacious one, he is. If it wasn't for his black skin, you might think he was a reg'lar boy." "So he is," I said; "what difference does his skin make? I like old Pomp." "Well, sir," said Morgan, thoughtfully, "I like old Hannibal old Vanity, as you call him; but you know he is black." "Of course." "Very black, Master George.

"What did they call you, Pete?" I said. "I dunno, Master Nat. You see, it was all furren, and I couldn't understand it; but one of 'em was horrid howdacious: he ran along a bough till he was right over my head, and then he took hold with his tail and swung himself to and fro and chattered, and said he'd drop on my head if I dared to move." "Are you sure he said that, Pete?" said my uncle drily.