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Capt. Clark had proceeded on after I seperated from him and encamped on a islad. only about 2 miles below me but did not hear the report of my gun nor of my hooping.-I saw some deer and antelopes. Side the evening Cool. Capt Lewis who walkd on Shore did not join me this evening This morning I waited at my camp very impatiently for the arrival of Capt.

It was eight o'clock in the evenin when this row took place; and such a row it was, that nobody but me heard master's knock. He came in, and heard the hooping, and screeching, and roaring. He seemed very much frightened at first, and said, "What is it?" "Mrs. Shum's here," says I, "and Mrs. in astarrix."

'All right, Dicon, said their leader soothingly. 'We all know that Pete's not a fighting man, but he's the best cooper on the coast, eh, Pete? There is not his equal at staving, hooping, and bumping. He'll take a plank of wood and turn it into a keg while another man would be thinking of it. 'Oh, you remember that, Captain Murgatroyd, said the Dutchman sulkily.

"Ay! but with less noise." They were now nearly at the edge of the coppice, when suddenly they heard hooping and hallooing behind them. The men had satisfied themselves the fugitives were in the coppice, and were beating back. "No matter," whispered Martin to his trembling companion. "We shall have time to win clear and slip back out of sight by hard running. Ah!"

Surprise removes the hooping cough; looking from precipices or seeing wheels turn swiftly will give giddiness. No; as the spirits, in many cases, resort in plenty, we find where the fancy determines, giving joy and gladness to the heart, strength and fleetness to the limbs, and violent palpitations.

I have found that children between the ages of two and seven years, are subject to the measles, hooping cough, fever, ophthalmia, ringworm, scald-head, and in very poor neighbourhoods, the itch and small-pox. This last is very rare, owing to the great encouragement given to vaccination; and were it not for the obstinacy of many of the poor, I believe it would be totally extirpated.

All kinds of vinegar may be strengthened by suffering it to be repeatedly frozen, and then separating the upper cake of ice or water from it. HOOPING COUGH. This disorder generally attacks children, to whom it often proves fatal for want of proper management.

In a subsequent letter addressed to myself, Sir Charles has given me the names of those urgent diseases, which he considers may be treated by a mother "where a medical man cannot be procured quickly, or not at all." They are Croup: Inflammation of the Lungs; Diptheria; Dysentry; Diarrhoea; Hooping Cough, in its various stages; and Shivering Fit.

When the new gasometer, which looks like the skeleton of some vast colosseum, is finished here, an additional balminess will be given to the immediate atmosphere, which may be very good for children in the hooping- cough, but anything except pleasant for those who have passed through that lively ordeal. In 1860, a Catholic school was erected in Rigby-street, Ribbleton-lane.

I heard plenty talk about that conflict at Lawrence though. "I heard the slaves was goin' to get 40 acres and a mule. I tell you they didn't wait to see if they was going to get another meal. They went wild, walking and hooping up and down the road. They found out when they nearly starved they had got the bad end of the game somehow.