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But whether he meditated the Muses or the philosophers, the loneliness of Hintock life was beginning to tell upon his impressionable nature.

"Never have I been over there since one winter night some three year ago and then I lost myself finding it. How can ye live in such a one-eyed place? Great Hintock is bad enough hut Little Hintock the bats and owls would drive me melancholy-mad! It took two days to raise my sperrits to their true pitch again after that night I went there. Mr.

He began to speak in desultory sentences, Melbury still supporting him. "I've come all the way from London to-day," said Fitzpiers. "Ah, that's the place to meet your equals. I live at Hintock worse, at Little Hintock and I am quite lost there. There's not a man within ten miles of Hintock who can comprehend me. I tell you, Farmer What's-your-name, that I'm a man of education.

This place was the Little Hintock of the master-barber's search. The coming night gradually obscured the smoke of the chimneys, but the position of the sequestered little world could still be distinguished by a few faint lights, winking more or less ineffectually through the leafless boughs, and the undiscerned songsters they bore, in the form of balls of feathers, at roost among them.

"But I hope I sha'n't lose you yet. Come in to breakfast. What did you think of the inside of Hintock House the other day?" "I liked it much." "Different from friend Winterborne's?" She said nothing; but he who knew her was aware that she meant by her silence to reproach him with drawing cruel comparisons. "Mrs. Charmond has asked you to come again when, did you say?"

The two trees that had creaked all the winter left off creaking, the whir of the night-jar, however, forming a very satisfactory continuation of uncanny music from that quarter. Except at mid-day the sun was not seen complete by the Hintock people, but rather in the form of numerous little stars staring through the leaves.

Can you hide me till I am well? Whatever comes, I can be seen in Hintock no more. My practice is nearly gone, you know and after this I would not care to recover it if I could." By this time Felice's tears began to blind her. Where were now her discreet plans for sundering their lives forever? To administer to him in his pain, and trouble, and poverty, was her single thought.

Taylor's ends on the south, and little Jimmy Green's on the east, and somebody else's to the west. Then I took a pair of compasses, and found the exact middle of the country that was left between these bounds, and that middle was Little Hintock; so here I am.... But, Lord, there: poor young man!" "Why?"

A man all skin and grief he ever were, and if he leave Little Hintock for a better land, won't it make some difference to your Maister Winterborne, neighbor Creedle?" "Can I be a prophet in Israel?" said Creedle. "Won't it! I was only shaping of such a thing yesterday in my poor, long-seeing way, and all the work of the house upon my one shoulders! You know what it means?

The day loomed so big and nigh that her prophetic ear could, in fancy, catch the noise of it, hear the murmur of the villagers as she came out of church, imagine the jangle of the three thin-toned Hintock bells. The dialogues seemed to grow louder, and the ding-ding-dong of those three crazed bells more persistent. She awoke: the morning had come. Five hours later she was the wife of Fitzpiers.