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He was so ill that another man would have fallen and yet he went to The Pleiad and aboard the Spaniard's yacht, as you read.... I knew his courage before from the Hedda Gabler night but it was true, he didn't know me! The only result I know was that Mr. Framtree came to New York " It seemed to Beth that her humanity was lashed and flung and desecrated.... "But he did not know," she thought.

Say lak mek yo' acquaintenance. Dissa tem was minnernight. Magistrate craw' out from unner tabuh, an' fonnow oneddy in nex' loom. Heah was Chan Tow, dissa highrob. Was fee' in vay good tempiniment to-night hedda jus' rob litty gir' her earlings." "It made him very happy to have stolen earrings from a little girl?" "Oh, yeh. Earlings med jay-stone.

Near this, there was a Saxon monument of the date 870, with sculpture in relief upon it, the memorial of an Abbot Hedda, who was killed by the Danes when they destroyed the monastery that preceded the abbey and church.

Terry and I had a long talk about it, and about literature in general, so the result was that I became calm, quiet, and reflective as I love to be, but which I can be only very seldom. I have an almost continuous craving for something new and strange, like Hedda. But somehow reading and thinking about her calmed me.

With all her overaccentuated traits and the metallic quality of technique in the handling of her portrait, Undine Spragg is both a type and an individual she is the newest variation of Daisy Miller and compared with her brazen charmlessness the figures of Hedda Gabler and Mildred Lawson seem melting with tenderness, aglow with subtle charm and muffled exaltation.

In Hedda Gabler Ibsen returned, for the last time, but with concentrated vigor, to the prosaic ideal of his central period. He never succeeded in being more objective in drama, he never kept more closely to the bare facts of nature nor rejected more vigorously the ornaments of romance and rhetoric than in this amazing play.

"It seems very long ago, but it isn't hardly ten weeks. There was darkness and Hedda was telling young Lövborg to drink wine and get vine-leaves in his hair " "And you were the one?" Bedient said. "'So fleet the works of men, back to their earth again, Ancient and holy things fade like a dream," she repeated. "I remember."

"You mean business?" "Yeh; binniziz. "Tay ole about his binniziz. Tay how stea' watch from 'Me'ican missiolary man. Tay how " "How did he steal the watch from the American missionary?" "We', somma lika dis: Chan Tow was vay stlong man, but vay litty meat on his boles. One day shee missiolary man come 'long load. Hedda watch-chain hang out.

Now if this assumption were really founded on public opinion, it would indicate an attitude of disgust and resentment towards the Life Force that could only arise in a diseased and moribund community in which Ibsen's Hedda Gabler would be the typical woman. But it has no vital foundation at all.

But there are also great numbers of people who find their own lives dull, and wish, like Hedda Gabler, to live a more thrilling life. For them there are published a few whole newspapers, and sections of others, devoted to the personal lives of a set of imaginary people, with whose gorgeous vices the reader can in his fancy safely identify himself. Mr.