United States or Heard Island and McDonald Islands ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Is it possible that a man who is guilty of such pedantic folly as this, a man who can see a confirmation of his doctrine in such a recovery as this, a recovery which is happening every day, from a breath of air, a drop or two of water, untying a bonnet-string, loosening a stay-lace, and which can hardly help happening, whatever is done, is it possible that a man, of whose pages, not here and there one, but hundreds upon hundreds are loaded with such trivialities, is the Newton, the Columbus, the Harvey of the nineteenth century!

The larches circling this stony height could not grow to their full stature; beaten, riven, stunted, by fierce blasts from mountain or from wave, their trunks were laden, and their branches thickly matted, with lichen so long and hoary that it gave them an aspect of age incalculable. Harvey always looked upon them with reverence, if not with awe.

"Hurrah!" cried True Blue, who had been watching an action briskly carried on in another direction. "There's one more Frenchman will be ours before long. That's a tremendous drubbing the Brunswick has given her." No ship's company displayed more determined gallantry during that eventful day than did the Brunswick, commanded by the brave Captain Harvey.

Tudor had proposed sending her to the hospital but to this proposition his wife would not listen. "No, indeed, Harvey," she exclaimed, twisting the soft, golden curls over her white fingers, "she shall stay here where I can watch over her myself, poor little dear." "You amaze me, my dear," expostulated her husband, mildly. "You can not tell who you may be harboring."

This is too horrible." "What do you say, Dick?" Harvey hung his head. "Speak, Dick. Tell me, old, friend, what I ought to do," said Harkaway, imploringly. "I am bewildered dazed at my wits' end. What ought I to do?" "Pay the money." Accordingly the money, all in gold, was placed in a bag in the spot which they had indicated in the first note addressed by the brigands to Jack Harkaway.

Let us follow Miss Viola LeMonde and Miss Henrietta Harvey in their effort to organize a Sunday School among the "Poor Whites." It was a beautiful day in September when the two young ladies seated in the phaeton drawn by Velox and Dolly and driven by faithful Mose made their way into the hill country.

One might have supposed that the Chairman of the Republican Committee would have done nothing of the kind, but he did. Again the Harvey method was effective. Hays instead of resenting the denunciation wrote Harvey a rather abject letter, expressing the fear that he might have made a mistake in discussing politics during the war and asked for an interview.

The insult had the desired effect, for, weak as he was, Harvey sprang forward and struck Chard full upon the mouth, but almost at the same moment the captain, who had quietly possessed himself of a brass belaying-pin, dealt him a blow on the back of the neck which felled him to the deck, and then bending on one knee, he would have repeated the blow on Harvey's upturned face, when Tessa sprang at him like a tigress, and struck him again and again on the temple with her revolver.

With this exception, no serious accident has occurred, and the whole of the party are in the enjoyment of good health and spirits. As the Expedition will still be absent, in all probability, upwards of five months, I have availed myself of a kind offer from Dr. Harvey, to send his boat over to Adelaide, and have sent Mr.

"Helen," I heard a lady say to Miss Harvey, "is not that Mary Gardiner?" "I believe so," was her indifferent answer. "Have you spoken to her this evening?" "No, aunt." "Why?" "Mary Gardiner and I were never very congenial. We have not been thrown together for some time; and now, I do not care to renew the acquaintance." I obtained a single glance of the young lady's face.