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Get your men in order or I'll be among you." "Stupid!" said Tummas, staring at Mick with immense astonishment. "And who are you who says 'Stupid? A white-livered Handloom as I dare say, or a son of a gun of a factory slave. Stupid indeed! What next, when a Hell-cat is to be called stupid by such a thing as you?"

As men and women, young and in our prime, we almost forgot that it was there. But the autumn of life comes, and the brae grows steeper; then the winter, and once again we are as the child pausing apprehensively on the brig. Yet are we no longer the child; we look now for no new world at the top, only for a little garden and a tiny house, and a handloom in the house.

"Elliott's Poems." London, 1833. 2. "Poems of Robert Nicoll." Third Edition. Edinburgh, 1843. 3. "Life and Poems of John Bethune." London, 1841. 4. "Memoirs of Alexander Bethune." By W. M'Combie. Aberdeen, 1845. 5. "Rhymes and Recollections of a Handloom Weaver." By William Thorn, of Inverury. Second Edition, London, 1845. 6. "The Purgatory of Suicides." By Thomas Cooper. London, 1845. 7.

She thus describes, the locality in Felix Holt: "Here were powerful men walking queerly, with knees bent outward from squatting in the mine, going home to throw themselves down in their blackened flannel, and sleep through the daylight, then rise and spend much of their high wages at the alehouse with their fellows of the Benefit Club; here the pale, eager faces of handloom weavers, men and women, haggard from sitting up late at night to finish the week's work, hardly begun till the Wednesday.

Here and there were small paper mills, glass factories-though many houses in the back country were without glass windows potteries, and iron foundries and forges. Capitalists, in some places, had brought together a few handloom weavers to make cloth for sale, and the famous shoemakers of Massachusetts commonly worked in groups. The mineral resources of the United States were practically unknown.

But if he were to persist in keeping his house open, and thus reduce himself to uselessness, he would not be entitled to think himself ill-used by reason of his making no profits, seeing that he did nothing for the public to entitle him to a remuneration. The poor handloom weavers I grieve to think of the hardships they suffer.

It had a museum of Southwestern antiquities and curios, where a Navajo squaw sulkily wove blankets on a handloom for the edification of the guilded stranger from the East. On the platform in front of it, perspiring Mexicans smashed baggage and performed the other hard labour of a modern terminal.

Sikes would often imagine the marvellous improvement that would be effected on the condition of the working classes, if every one of them became influenced by the same frugality and forethought, which induced these exceptional operatives to deposit their savings at his bank. About that time, trade was in a wretched condition. The handloom weavers were almost entirely without employment.

His father needed his help at the loom, where he worked with him for some years; but, as handloom weaving was gradually being driven out by improved mechanism, the father prudently resolved to put his son to a better trade.

'That is the kind you would like to be yourself! we would say in jest to her, and she would reply almost passionately, 'No, but I would be windy of being his mother. It is possible that she could have been his mother had that other son lived, he might have managed it from sheer love of her, but for my part I can smile at one of those two figures on the stair now, having long given up the dream of being for ever known, and seeing myself more akin to my friend, the tailor, for as he was found at the end on his board, so I hope shall I be found at my handloom, doing honestly the work that suits me best.