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At Strathbogie we halted but a short space, for finding no obstruction in our path, we hastened southward, in the direction of Inverury; there we pitched the tent for the king, and, taking advantage of a natural fortification, dispersed our men around it, still in a compact square.

"Elliott's Poems." London, 1833. 2. "Poems of Robert Nicoll." Third Edition. Edinburgh, 1843. 3. "Life and Poems of John Bethune." London, 1841. 4. "Memoirs of Alexander Bethune." By W. M'Combie. Aberdeen, 1845. 5. "Rhymes and Recollections of a Handloom Weaver." By William Thorn, of Inverury. Second Edition, London, 1845. 6. "The Purgatory of Suicides." By Thomas Cooper. London, 1845. 7.

His bull "Porty" was sent to Inverury, and took the first prize. There was no Aberdeen show at that time. "The Banks of Dee" carried everything before him, and his descendants gained seven firsts and a second in one year in the show-yard; but although Mr Walker had never bred another animal save "Fox Maule," his celebrity as a breeder would have been established.

Hugh Miller recommends him to be editor of a projected "Non-Intrusion" paper in Dumfries, with a salary, to him boundless, of 100l. a-year. Too late! The iron has entered too deeply into his soul; in a few weeks more he is lying in his brother's grave "Lovely and pleasant in their lives, and in their deaths not divided." "William Thom of Inverury" is a poet altogether of the same school.

The next point reached was Banff, along the Don and the line of the Inverury Canal: At Banff, we at once went to the pier, about half finished, on which 15,000L. will be expended, to the great benefit of this clean, cheerful, and active little town.