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Her thin cotton blouse fitted tightly and showed every line of her young figure; her smiling lips were half-open, displaying two rows of sound white teeth, which looked as if they would like to bite or kiss him. Higher and higher rose the swing, until it struck the topmost branches of the maple. The girl screamed and fell forward, into his arms; he was pushed over, on to the seat.

Till Bessie's return he p aced the room irregularly, chewing the ends of his moustache. When it was announced to him that the parlour was ready he went down, the letter in his hand. At the half-open door came a soft knock. Jane entered. She showed signs of painful agitation. 'Will you sit down, Miss Snowdon?

He rose suddenly, stiff and straight and slender as some young fir-tree. "Come, Roger, put on your hat and go with me to Japan." He looked over into the half-open drawer of his brother's desk. "More of those maps, I see." "Other maps; another subdivision. I can do my work without trotting over the whole globe; Cook County is big enough for me."

The decurion returned and laid a long, lean dagger on the table. "Taken from the prisoner," he reported. "It was hidden beneath his tunic. He looks desperate enough to kill himself, so I left two men to keep an eye on him." The centurion scratched his chin again, his mouth half-open. "Whom do you propose to visit in the palace?" he demanded. "Marcia," said Narcissus.

The half-open door permitted the general, as well as myself, to hear the conversation which followed. "Monsieur," said his Majesty, "you have spent far too much money in decorating this miserable barrack. Yes; certainly far too much. Fifty thousand francs! Just think of it, monsieur! That is frightful; I will not pay you!"

Or had she thrown it away, and if so, where? The vision of her which I had just seen in my mind's eye came out with a clearness at this, which struck me as providential. I could discern as plainly as if I had been a part of the scene the white-clad form of the bride bending toward the light which came in sparsely through the half-open shutter she had loosened for this task.

"You must go, for someone might come, and we are not calm." He arose, clasped her close, kissing her half-open lips, as he used to do; then they crossed the two drawing-rooms, arm in arm, like a newly-married pair. "Good-by, my friend." "Good-by, my friend." And the portiere fell behind him.

There is an intoxication of heart and soul in looking over such scenery at this genial season. All nature is just teeming with new life, and putting on the first delicate verdure and bloom of spring. The almond-trees are in blossom; the fig-trees are beginning to sprout; everything is in the tender bud, the young leaf, or the half-open flower.

The dim little passage led past two grimly closed doors painted rusty red to two half-open doors with dull glass in their panels. Outside, in the street from which they had mounted by stone steps, a shower of sleet had begun to fall. Hilary shut the door, but the cold spirit of that shower had already slipped into the bleak, narrow house.

Angelina took the spotless one; then with a little thrust of her hand she pushed the half-open window wider apart. The doll, white in the dusk, tossed and whirled, and spun finally, a white speck far below, and struck the pavement. Then Angelina turned, and with a little sigh of satisfaction looked at her aunt. This is the story of Bim Rochester's first Odyssey.