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"No of course not. Don't be silly, Budge." "Well, I think about him a good deal, an' I don't think it's silly a bit. I hope he'll go to heaven when he dies. Do angels have goat-carriages, Uncle Harry?" "No, old fellow they can go about without carriages." "When I goesh to hebben," said Toddie, rising in bed, "Izhe goin' to have lots of goat-cawidjes an' Izhe goin' to tate all ze andjels a widen."

Won't live to be indecent. Go'n' kill m'self soon's this dizhiness goesh pasht. Billy's drunk, but I'm subject to to dizhiness." Rex turned to his cousin with a gesture. "You see, Carty, we can't leave them. I'm just as disappointed as you are, but it would be a beastly thing to do, to let them get pulled in as common drunks. What's your friend's name?" he demanded again of Strong.

A mile further on, he came to another stream, and was making preparations to cross it, when he was startled by a voice, which sounded from the opposite bank: "Who goesh dere?" Instead of replying to the challenge, Frank sprang behind a tree, and, looking across the stream, discovered a tall, powerfully-built man, dressed in "butternut" clothes, holding his rifle in the hollow of his arm.

But when Ishmael had seen his old follower comfortably in bed, the Jew turned to him and, as it would seem, for the simple pleasure of speaking to the young man whom he admired so much, said: "Zir; te zhip rollts mush. Tere vill pe a gread pig storm." "I think so," answered Ishmael courteously. "Vell, if zhe goesh down do te boddom tere vill pe von lesh drue shentleman in de vorlt, zir.

Miauw!" said he, "dat's what cats saysh when they goesh down wells." "Faith, an' it's him that knows," remarked Mike, who had invited himself to a free seat in the menagerie, and assisted in the applause which had greeted each personation.

"When it thundered yesterday it was because the Lord was riding along through the sky and the wheels of his carriage made an awful noise, an' that was the thunder." "Don't like nashty old 'funder," remarked Toddie. "It goesh into our cellar an' makesh all ze milk sour Maggie said so. An' so I can't hazh no nice white tea for my brepspup."