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Updated: August 9, 2024

On the fourth disengage I shall touch you. Allons! En garde!" And as he promised, so it happened. The young gentleman who, hitherto, had held no great opinion of Andre-Louis' swordsmanship, accounting him well enough for purposes of practice when the master was otherwise engaged, opened wide his eyes.

The Garde Civique seemed a trifle more numerous than it had been the evening before; citizen volunteers, still in civilian garb, appeared on the streets in awkward squads, carrying their guns and side arms clumsily; and when, in Minister Brand Whitlock's car, we drove out the beautiful Avenue Louise, we found soldiers building a breast-high barricade across the head of the roadway where it entered the Bois; also, they were weaving barbed-wire entanglements among the shade trees.

I could hear the shouts of my comrades; the voices of Saint Vrain and Gode, the latter calling out "Sacr-r-re! monsieur; prenez garde des buffles!" I saw that they had drawn the horses, and were hurrying them under the bluff. I sprang to my feet, flinging aside my blanket. A fearful spectacle was before me. Away to the west, as far as the eye could reach, the prairie seemed in motion.

It took half an hour of explanations to convince him that we were not German spies, that we really did know the password, and that we were merely having a joke though not, as we had planned, at his expense. The force of citizen soldiery known as the Garde civique has, so far as I am aware, no exact counterpart in any other country.

There on the second floor of a block of buildings which looked out upon some gardens lived the unconscious cause of Castanier's crime a young woman known in the quarter as Mme. de la Garde. A concise history of certain events in the cashier's past life must be given in order to explain these facts, and to give a complete presentment of the crisis when he yielded to temptation.

A garde mobile was pacing over the crest of the slight acclivity that rises near its eastern extremity. As I approached he came to a halt, and challenged me sharply. "Qui va l

Here was performed a very courageous and warlike resistance by the Spaniards, both with muskets, pikes, stones and swords. Yet notwithstanding, through all these arms the Pirates forced and fought their way, till at last they gained the castle. The Governor himself retreated unto the corps du garde, before which were placed two pieces of cannon.

Nowadays, I often think of Niel and the Garde Mobile when I read of Lord Haldane, Colonel Seely, and our own "terriers." It seems to me, at times, as if the clock had gone back more than forty years. Niel died in August, 1869, leaving his task in an extremely unfinished state, and Marshal Le Boeuf, who succeeded him, persevered with it in a very faint-hearted way.

They left the Tuileries in such haste that they failed to give orders to the faithful Garde Municipale, who would have suffered the fate of the Swiss Guard in 1792, had not National Guards in the crowd assisted them to change their conspicuous uniforms and to escape out of the windows.

He was silent, and seemed lost in thought, while his squire assisted at his levee with the respect now only paid to sovereigns. "Guarine," at length he said, "know you the stout Fleming, who was said to have borne him so well at the siege of the Garde Doloureuse? a tall, big, brawny man." "Surely, my lord," answered his squire; "I know Wilkin Flammock I saw him but yesterday."

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