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Updated: August 4, 2024

It was the action of one absorbed and lost in an idea. Had he taken thought he would have hesitated, been abashed, self-conscious and probably been repulsed by the flunkies before seeing Monsieur Philipon. It was all the sublime effrontery and conceit or naturalness, if you please of a country bumpkin who did not know his place. Philipon glanced at the pictures and then looked at the boy.

"I kind of thought you'd be after me, and so I stepped out. You've been and delivered that there little message of mine, I suppose?" "Yes," said Sybilla; "and she will meet you to-night in the Beech Walk, and hear what you have got to say." "The deuce she will!" said the artist; "and have her fire-eating husband catch us and set the flunkies at me. Not if I know myself.

Other nations may be slaves, he added, recalling the words of Ludwig Börne; they may be put in chains and be held down by force, but the Germans are flunkies it is not necessary to lay chains on them they may be allowed to wander free about the house.

I thought they never did any thing but wear magnificent crowns and red velvet dressing-gowns with dabs of wool sewed on them in spots, and sit on thrones and scowl at the flunkies and the people in the parquette, and order Dukes and Duchesses off to execution.

She wishes a room, the very best room you have, to which she can retire with her maid and seek the rest she so badly needs after her long journey over bad roads." The good Herr Leinfelder bowed low. John's manner impressed him. It was a perfect reproduction of the style affected by the flunkies of the great.

We have to touch our caps and make our manners to Dick Carnes and the rest of the flunkies in the after cabin. My father pays as much for me as Dick Carnes' father does for him, and I don't think it is fair that he should live in the cabin and I in the steerage." "If you get marks enough, you can have a berth in the cabin," replied Wilton. "Marks! Confound the marks! I'm not a baby.

The smell of the house was musty; the voice of the house was still. One melancholy maid haunted the bedrooms up stairs, like a ghost. One melancholy man, appointed to admit the visitors, sat solitary in the lower regions the last of the flunkies, mouldering in an extinct servants' hall. Not a word passed, in the drawing-room, between Lady Lundie and Blanche.

I do not mean on that of snobs or moral flunkies. Superiority of rank is a powerful and genuine influence in love. The idea of superior refinement is associated with it. The careless notice of the squire tells more upon the heart of the pretty milk-maid than years of honest Dobbin's manly devotion, and so on and up. It is an unjust world! But in this case there was something more.

From the primitive household, where a poor neighbor comes in as "help," to the "great" establishment where the butler and housekeeper eat apart, and a group of plush-clad flunkies imported from England adorn the entrance-hall, nothing could be better contrived to set one class against another than domestic service. Proverbs have grown out of it in every language.

"You are 'correct'," I rejoined. "Are you associated in friendship with them flunkies?" "Hell, no. Yeah, they're Leopards and we're Boomer Dukes. You cool them, you do us much good." I received this information as indicating that the two socio-economic units were inimical, and unfortunately lapsed into an example of the Bivalent Error.

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