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Updated: August 24, 2024

"Florigny?" cried Corentin, turning white; "then the rendezvous is not there! Is Florigny on the road to Mayenne?" he asked. "There are not two Florignys," replied the woman, pointing in the direction of the summit of La Pelerine. "Are you going in search of the Marquis de Montauran?" said Corentin to Hulot. "Perhaps I am," answered the commandant, curtly. "He is not at Florigny," said Corentin.

The fighting was at Florigny. Who the devil could have told them that the Gars was in our house; no one knew it but he and the handsome garce and we " Barbette turned white. "They made me believe they were the gars of Saint-Georges," she said, trembling, "it was I who told them the Gars was here." Galope-Chopine turned pale himself and dropped his porringer on the table.

"Do you think," she said, opening her eyes, "that Marche-a-Terre will hear of it?" "The Gars will certainly inquire who betrayed him." "Will he tell it to Marche-a-Terre?" "Marche-a-Terre and Pille-Miche were both at Florigny." Barbette breathed a little easier. "If they touch a hair of your head," she cried, "I'll rinse their glasses with vinegar." "Ah!

Gudin," he added, "go and tell Captain Lebrun that he must rub those fellows' noses at Florigny without me, and come back yourself in a flash. You know the paths. I'll wait till you return, and then we'll avenge those murders at La Vivetiere. Thunder! how he runs," he added, seeing Gudin disappear as if by magic. "Gerard would have loved him."

You can draw shrewd conclusions as to the ordinary events of human life, but not on those of passion. Perhaps that is why you inspire me with such repulsion. As you are so clear-sighted, you may be able to tell me why a man from whom I separated myself violently two days ago now wishes me to meet him in a house at Florigny on the road to Mayenne."

A few contemptuous laughs came from the nearest ranks. "Do you think," said Corentin, sharply, "that the only way to serve France is with bayonets?" Then he turned his back to the laughers, and asked a woman beside him if she knew the object of the expedition. "Hey! my good man, the Chouans are at Florigny. They say there are more than three thousand, and they are coming to take Fougeres."

Though she was wearing a green dress and hood, to be less easily distinguished, the rapidity of her almost distracted step enabled him to follow her with his eye through the leafless hedges, and to guess the point towards which she was hurrying. "Ha!" he cried, "you said you were going to Florigny, but you are in the valley of Gibarry! I am a fool, she has tricked me!

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