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Updated: August 8, 2024

Payton saw him go, and, blessing the good fortune which had put him in a position to command the beauty's thanks, he turned to receive them. But Flavia was not looking at him, was not thinking of him. She had put the key in the lock and was trying to turn it. Her left wrist, however, was too weak, and the right was so strained as to be useless.

What you haven't been told, however, is the secret part which Count Prada our Contessina's husband played in the affair. He was the lover of Princess Boccanera, the beautiful Flavia Montefiori, who had brought the villa as dowry to the old Prince.

The formalities of greeting were observed as elegantly, and with far more evident sincerity, in Cornificia's house than in Caesar's palace. Cornificia, dressed in white and wearing very little jewelry, received her guests more like an old-time patrician matron than a notorious modern concubine. Her notoriety, in fact, was due to Flavia Titiana, rather than to any indiscretions of her own.

"Give it me!" he cried. "Do you hear? Give it me!" "I will not!" she cried. "No!" "Give it up, I say!" he retorted. And this time he made good his hold on her wrist. He tried to force the key from her. "Let it go!" he panted, "or I shall hurt you!" But he made a great mistake if he thought that he could coerce Flavia in that way. Her fingers only closed more tightly on the key.

Dudevant?" queried Flavia with that fervid enthusiasm with which she could, on occasion, utter things simply incomprehensible for their banality at her feats of this sort Miss Broadwood was wont to sit breathless with admiration. "Madam, while the intellect was undeniably present in the performances of those women, it was only the stick of the rocket.

You know that you had no right to touch my slave, and if you now take any steps against him I warn you that you will never enter this house again." "Nor will I ever speak a word to you," Julia added. "But he has struck me," Sempronius said furiously; "he has knocked me down and beaten me." "Apparently you brought it upon yourself," Flavia said.

Everyone noticed that the Cæsar specially commanded her to sit on his left, Cæsonia being on his right, and that the Augustas all frowned with dissatisfaction at this signal honour paid to Dea Flavia. Anon Caius Nepos, the praetorian praefect, came to the front of the tribune, and in stentorian voice commanded everyone to kneel.

The two men brought up in the school of slavery, were too well drilled to marvel at the gracious lady's many moods; they did not even cast one look in the direction of the inner room where they knew that the praefect of Rome still lay in a drugged sleep. As soon as they were gone Dea Flavia turned again to Caius Nepos and to his friends. "I pray you sit," she said simply.

"It was very unlike papa," exclaimed Flavia, before her mother could answer. "But very kind, of course, as you say," she added, with a little smile. Flavia had a habit of making rather startling remarks, and of then adding something in explanation or comment, before her hearers had recovered breath. The addition did not always mend matters very much.

San Giacinto understood Flavia better than either of her parents; and although his marriage with her was before all things a part of his plan for furthering his worldly interests, it must be confessed that he had a stronger liking for the girl than her father would have considered indispensable in such affairs.

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