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But Hilary appeared unaware of the implication, and made no reply. "I can't find out what Bascom and Botcher are doing," Mr. Flint went on; "I don't get any reports they haven't been here. Perhaps you know. They've had trip passes enough to move the whole population of Putnam County. Fairplay says they're gettin' delegates for Adam Hunt instead of Giles Henderson.

Profoundly religious, and readily appreciative of what was new in the perception of truth, he was, above all, of a great and simple righteousness full, that is, of a loving sense of fairplay a very different thing indeed from that which most of those who count themselves religious mean when they talk of the righteousness of God!

But Hilary appeared unaware of the implication, and made no reply. "I can't find out what Bascom and Botcher are doing," Mr. Flint went on; "I don't get any reports they haven't been here. Perhaps you know. They've had trip passes enough to move the whole population of Putnam County. Fairplay says they're gettin' delegates for Adam Hunt instead of Giles Henderson.

Passed some heavy wagons bound to the mines, and met the mail-stage coming down the valley from Fairplay, with four horses at a gallop: we were luckily able to draw off and let them pass, which they did in a cloud of dust, through which could be dimly seen the long-bearded, red-shirted miners. A saw-mill at Slaight's, with two houses and some fields of oats.

"The special attractiveness of the volume arises from the fact that the author began as a cabin-boy, worked his way up to master, and is now a leading steamship manager, and that he has been at the pains to epitomise his experiences and state his views." Fairplay. "In Windjammers and Sea Tramps, Mr.

Such, however, is the excellence of the pasture that great herds of cattle are driven up here to feed during the summer. Several towns and villages have sprung up around the mines in this vicinity, such as Hamilton, Fairplay and Tarryall, to which a stage-coach runs three times a week from Denver.

But Hilary appeared unaware of the implication, and made no reply. "I can't find out what Bascom and Botcher are doing," Mr. Flint went on; "I don't get any reports they haven't been here. Perhaps you know. They've had trip passes enough to move the whole population of Putnam County. Fairplay says they're gettin' delegates for Adam Hunt instead of Giles Henderson.

A desire of independence, the self-respect which makes a man shrink from accepting as a gift what he can win as a fair reward, the love of fairplay, which makes him use only honest means in the struggle, are qualities which can never lose their value, and which are not the less valuable because in the first instance they are most profitable to their possessors.

Crewe reflected, and although he did not have time to assure himself on these historical points, the thought stayed him. 'Et tu, Brute! Moreover, Mr. Peter Pardriff had something of his own to say. Crewe's candidacy. Here are some of the answers, duly tabulated. "Negligible." Congressman Fairplay. "One less vote for the Honourable Adam B. Hunt." The Honourable Jacob Botcher.

Reid places side by side two statements, one by President Wilson when asking Congress to agree to the Declaration of War: "We shall, I feel confident, conduct our operations as belligerents without passion, and ourselves observe with proud punctilio the principles of right and fairplay we profess to be fighting for"; the other by Senator Hitchcock, when the war was over, after a day spent with President Wilson in learning the case for ratification of the Versailles Treaty: "Through the Treaty, we will yet get very much of importance.... In violation of all international law and treaties we have made disposition of a billion dollars of German-owned properly here.