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Wentworth never would have fallen into the hands of unprincipled speculators and extortioners, and would have been spared the load of affliction which has now periled her life." "You are right, Harry," said Dr. Humphries. "It is our duty to search for the unfortunate poor, and not to wait until they appeal for assistance.

He represents the Duke and Duchess as extortioners and dissipators of the public money, insatiable in their avarice, and greedily swallowing all that they could get into their power, disposing of places, and seizing on rewards in a manner the most odious. "Even the Duke's courage," says Smollet, "was called in question, and this consummate general was represented as the lowest of mankind."

That which they are really averse to is the Directory and its clique, Barras with his court of gorged contractors and kept women, Reubell with his family of extortioners, stamp of a parvenu and ways of a tavern keeper, La Revelliere-Lepaux with his hunchback vanity, philosophic pretensions, sectarian intolerance and silly airs of a pedantic dupe.

There were instances in which men of the most venerable dignity, persecuted without cause by extortioners, died of rage and shame in the grip of the vile alguazils of Impey. The harems of noble Mohammedans sanctuaries respected in the East by governments that respected nothing else were burst open by gangs of bailiffs.

It is astonishing how soon superstition enabled them to fulfil their vow, and how the extortioners were allowed to escape the punishment their impudence deserved. The Byrâgees are not so intrusive a sect. They frequently live in the open air, though not prohibited from seeking other shelter.

"The emperor! it is the emperor!" groaned the terror-stricken extortioners, while Joseph looked contemptuously upon their pale and conscience-stricken faces. Suddenly the host burst into a maudlin laugh. "Do you not see," said he, "that our facetious guest is making game of us to revenge himself for our refusal to buy his corn?" "True, true," cried the lords together. "It's a jest a trick to "

The conduct of the ushers, who were either tyrannical extortioners, or partakers in our crimes the constant loss of our clothes by the dishonesty or carelessness of the servants the purloining our silver spoons, sheets, and towels, when we went away, upon the plea of "custom" the charges in the account for windows which I had never broken, and books which I had never received the shameful difference between the annual cost promised by the master, and the sum actually charged, ought to have opened the eyes of my father.

Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God." But what kind of sinners shall then be saved? Answ.

The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican. I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all that I possess. And the publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner.

Take the THREATENINGS laid down in holy writ, and how are they disregarded? There are but a few places in the Bible but there are threatenings against one sinner or other; against drunkards, swearers, liars, proud persons, strumpets, whoremongers, covetous, railers, extortioners, thieves, lazy persons.