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The submarine question, however, will always divert this resentment against us again. "Wilson still hesitates to intervene because the State Department expects a refusal on the part of our enemies, while House urges it strongly and is very hopeful.

"Important to me, or to you?" asked Jack, thoughtfully. He had no intention of answering a much older man disrespectfully. But there was about Herr Radberg the air of a man who expects his greatness to be recognized at a glance, and who demands obedience from common people as a right. This sort of thing didn't fit well with the American boy.

And now let all the boys and girls who read this book remember what the Lord expects of them. He must have men and women to carry on the great work begun so nobly and so well.

You and Sadie go by Milla's, Albert, and tell her if I'm not there by ha'-pas'-seven, tell her not to wait for me any longer." "How do you mean 'wait'?" Albert inquired. "You don't expect her to come pokin' along with Sadie and me, do you? She'll keep on sittin' there at home just the same, because she wouldn't have anything else to do, if you don't come like she expects you to.

To add to his perplexity, Boulanger, who had been scrutinising everything around them with eager curiosity, suddenly quitted his side, and vaulting over a fence, disappeared in the wood that skirted the clearing. "Hang the fellow!" muttered Isidore. "This is a little too bad. If he expects me to follow him everywhere, he is mistaken.

Ann Tibbits, England expects every woman to do her duty!" "All? asked Ann. "Four," replied my mother. "Now?" asked Ann. "The sooner the better," said my mother. At this moment a sudden blast shook every window in the house, which seemed to be in momentary danger of a total collapse. "Not fit to turn a dog out," murmured my mother. "Not fit to turn a dog out.

And now we look upon the earth and sky. This spread of naked rock and peaks and moonlight is like a world ready to be born, a world that waits. It seems to us it asks a sign from us, a spark, a first commandment. We cannot know what word we are to give, nor what great deed this earth expects to witness. We know it waits.

There comes a time, however, in the experience of every student of the voice, a stage of the study, when, if he expects to be an artist, he must take a step in advance, a step higher; he must place himself upon a higher plane or level; he must arouse his true inner nature, the singer's sensation, that which we have called the third power. This is done by a study of emotional, or self-expression.

"He'll never be the man that Perkins expects; but he's doing his level best, and is rising in the office. Perkins swears by him, and that's made a man of the fellow. "He's paid up the cash now, but he can never pay up the kindness confound those wax matches, they never strike he told his mother last summer the whole story.

"And that," said Edna, "is all of the letter that I need read, except that he tells me he expects to write again before he starts, and that his address after he sails will be Wraxton, Fuguet & Co., American bankers in Paris." When she had finished reading the many pages of the letter, Edna leaned back on the sofa and closed her eyes. Ralph sat upright in his chair and gazed intently before him.