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Perhaps had not this arrangement been so easy and simple, England would have been obliged to buck up and evolve a big watch industry of her own; as it was she followed the less difficult path and never went into the manufacture on a large scale with factories and all that." "How about the French?" Christopher inquired. "The French, no one can deny, were very ingenious watchmakers.

"And what good," I asked, "can all this knowledge do you? Your great-great-grandmother has condensed the learning of two centuries to evolve this one discovery. Is it not so?" "Yes," replied Wauna, and her look and tone were both solemn. "You ask me what good it can do? Reflect! If the history of a single leaf is so vast and yet ephemeral, what may not be the history of a single world?

"You look like Quintus Livius Drusus, the Roman soldier," said Cornelia, "and I would not have you otherwise than what you are." "Eho!" replied Drusus, passing his hand over her hair. "Do you want me to tell you something?" "What is it?" said Cornelia, pressing closer. "I can never write a cosmology. I shall never be able to evolve a new system of ethics. I cannot improve on Plato's ideal state.

This is the dynamo in principle of action. The varieties in construction now in use number scores, perhaps hundreds. Some of them are monsters in size, and evolve a current that is terrific. They are all essentially the same, depending for action upon the laws illustrated in the simplest experiment in induced electricity.

JOHN BURKETT RYDER, per B. Shirley almost shouted from sheer excitement. At first she was alarmed the name John Burkett Ryder was such a bogey to frighten bad children with, she thought he might want to punish her for writing about him as she had. She hurried to the porch and sat there reading the letter over and over and her brain began to evolve ideas.

We can reason from spirit to body from mind to matter but we can never reverse that process, and from matter evolve mind. The reason is that matter is not found to contain mind, but is only acted upon by it, as inferior by superior; and we cannot get out of the bag more than has been put into it.

"Oh, I can walk." "But I can drive you faster," I said, "and you've got to get the load to town before nightfall." I could not let him go without taking tribute. My farmer laughed and got in. "You see," I said, "when a member of my society is in distress I always like to help him out." He paused; I watched him gradually evolve his reply: "How did you know I was a Mason?" "Well, I wasn't sure."

When people observe that one thing brings good and another bad, they remember to stay away from the bad things and cling to the good. Over time these evolve into taboos and social restrictions, not meaningless laws enforced by tyrants for their own reasons, but rules that are observed by all because the are the laws of the spiritual realm and govern physical life.

For other savage Mysteries in which a moral element occurs, I have quoted Australian and African examples. Thence I have inferred that the early Greeks might, and probably did, evolve their multiform mystic rites out of germs of such things inherited from their own prehistoric ancestors.

Now, if men, with their good organizing ability and their love of comfort and their sense of their own importance, were set down to do the work that women have done all down the centuries, they would evolve a scheme something like this in each of the country neighborhoods.