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When the irate old captain rushed up to know the meaning of the intrusion Radisson suavely proffered provisions, of which they were plainly in need. The New Englanders had been more industrious. A stoutly palisaded fort had been completed on young Gillam's island, and cannon commanded all approach.

For ten years they had been talking of erecting a fort on the Varsche River; but the ominous and repeated appearance of New Englanders in the territory had roused them to action at last. John Van Corlear, with a few men, had been commissioned by Governor Van Twiller, and had put up a rude earthwork, with two guns, within the present jurisdiction of Hartford.

Doubtless the Puritans learned multiplication tables and may have found them, as did Marjorie Fleming, "a horrible and wretched plaege," though no pious little New Englanders would have dared to say as she did, "You cant conceive it the most Devilish thing is 8 times 8 and 7 times 7, it is what nature itself can't endure." Great attention was paid to penmanship.

Genuine New Englanders are to be had on tap only in six small States, and remembering this we feel that we have the right to demand that in the future, even more than in the past, the heads of the New England households weary not in the good work.

'Needn't be afraid, old lady, said I, edging up to her in a polite sort of way: 'Smooth won't harm nobody. The New Englanders think well of the women they do! Here I gave the old lady my hand, and shook her's right heartily. 'Why, I continued, 'there's three Women's Rights Societies down Massachusetts way, any one of which can start a breeze at pleasure blow the men all into thunder!

And these states of the American Union were at the outset so independent-spirited that they would not even adopt a common name. To this day they have no common name. We have to call them Americans, which is a ridiculous name when we consider that Canada, Mexico, Peru, Brazil are all of them also in America. Or else we have to call them Virginians, Californians, New Englanders, and so forth.

"Well, there is a difficulty about that. My opinion of the New Englanders is such that I do not think they would allow a man to live among them who looked so like a Frenchman." "Bah! his looks are nothing; and they don't know what his French accent may be." "Do you think, after all, that his own story is true about living in New England?

The scheme must have flashed on Radisson in an intuition; for he laid his plans as he listened to the boastings of the New Englanders.

So that I know nothing to which we New Englanders owe more, and especially the people of Massachusetts, of our civil liberties than we do to our form of town government.

One seems to be in fairyland, and looks about for the figure of a sylphid floating upon a gossamer cloud, or a group of fairy revelers tripping upon the blossom-covered ground. Is it all reality, we ask ourselves, or a dream from which we shall presently awake? The large, brilliant flower of the rhododendron is familiar to New Englanders as growing upon a bush eight or ten feet high.