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The elucidations of the voyage which were drawn out in the famous suit of Diego with the Crown in 1513 and 1515, afford no ground for any belief in this story of the mutiny and the concession of Columbus to it. It is not, however, difficult to conceive the recurrent fears of his men and the incessant anxiety of Columbus to quiet them.

She turned her eyes on him, and he looked at her with a gaze troubled and a little groping, as though he sought in her further elucidations; as though, for the first time, she had disappointed him a little. 'Is it? she asked. 'Is marriage really a tremendous thing? 'Well, isn't it? 'I'm not sure. In one way, of course, it is.

Harvey is often said to be the founder of modern physiology; and there can be no question that the elucidations of the function of the heart, of the nature of the pulse, and of the course of the blood, put forth in the ever-memorable little essay, "De motu cordis," directly worked a revolution in men's views of the nature and of the concatenation of some of the most important physiological processes among the higher animals; while, indirectly, their influence was perhaps even more remarkable.

It is clearly specified that the instant the expected naval superiority of force arrives, the French are not to lose a single day in commencing their co-operative measures. Such is, gentlemen, the abridgment of the account rendered to General Washington; and it will serve as the basis for his preparations, as well as a rule for the future elucidations you may receive.

Cromwell's Letters and Speeches, with Elucidations permanently raised England's estimation of that warrior statesman. Carlyle's writings, his lectures on such subjects as Heroes and Hero Worship , and his oracular criticism on government and life made him as conspicuous a figure as Dr. Samuel Johnson had been in the previous century.

The events of the period, whose issues the writer has firmly grasped, are brought into prominence mainly as they elucidate the career of his hero; but the "elucidations" have been accepted, with a few reservations, as final. No other work has gone so far to reverse a traditional estimate.

So, then, with these elucidations, we may perhaps see a little more clearly the sequence of the Psalmist's thought here God's forgiveness, and co-existing with that, God's scourging of the sin which He forgives; and both His forgiveness and the scourging, the efflux and the manifestation of the divine holiness. Now just let us look at these thoughts. Here we have

You see it ain't bein' called well, one thing and another, as we mind, but if they got it into their 'ead at the orfice as we seen things as warn't there, why, one thing leads to another, and where we should be a twelvemunce 'ence well, you can understand what I mean. Amid further elucidations of the proposition, George, conducted by William, left the room.

But as soon as we penetrate into the psycho-spiritual world such elucidations become less easy. In the world of sense, facts are not altered by human delusions about them; it is therefore possible to correct a delusion by unprejudiced observation of facts. But in the supersensible world this is not immediately possible.

It is natural," for I feared to have him know that I was inattentive even for that short space, and waited for elucidations. "It seems," he went on, "that the tribe was dying out. Helm, who first told me something of it at Buenaventura, was one of those scientists who have to invent a new theory for every new thing they were told of.