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Eldredge must have been making some inquiries as to his social status, in order to feel him justified in putting him on this footing of equality. He had no hesitation in accepting the invitation, and on the appointed day was received in the old house of his forefathers as a guest.

It must be some very ingenious and artificially natural thing, an artistic affair in its way, that should strike the fancy of such a man as Eldredge, and appear to him altogether fit, mutatis mutandis, to be applied to his own requirements and purposes. I do not at present see in the least how this is to be wrought out.

Oh, I hear things. Cap'n Jed said t'other night you'd make a pretty good Selectman." "I would? A Selectman?" "Yup. He as much as hinted that to me; wondered if you'd take the nomination provided he could fix it for you. Sim Eldredge and Alvin and some more all said they'd vote for you if they got a chance. ARE you figgerin' to charge toll on the Lane?" "Toll? What put that idea in your head?"

Anyhow, the two don't seem to be well enough acquainted to associate close." Lute bent forward to inspect the hiatus between trousers and waistcoat. "By time!" he exclaimed, "I told Sim Eldredge they was too short in the waist. He said if they was any longer they'd wrinkle under the arms. I don't know what to do. If I hist 'em up they'll be what the fellers call high-water, won't them?" "Humph!

Eldredge, musing a little. "I see no reason why I should have any idle concealment about the matter, especially to a foreigner and a man whom I am never likely to see again.

"You spoke," replied his host, "of the Bloody Footstep reappearing on the threshold of the old palace of S . Now where, let me ask you, did you ever hear this strange name, which you then spoke, and which I have since spoken?" "From my father's lips, when a child, in America," responded Middleton. "It is very strange," said Mr. Eldredge, in a hasty, dissatisfied tone.

Middleton was sitting at the foot of an oak; and he began to feel some awkwardness in the consideration of what he would do if Mr. Eldredge for he could not doubt that it was he were to be led just to this spot, in pursuit of his singular occupation. And even so it proved.

Eldredge, and may fairly say that the circumstances to which you allude make me accept your hospitality with a warmer feeling than I otherwise might. Strangers, meeting in a strange land, have a sort of tie in their foreignness to those around them, though there be no positive relation between themselves." "We are friends, then?" said Mr.

So they shall depart, lofty and poor, out of the home which might be their own, if they would stoop to make it so. Possibly the daughter of Eldredge may be a girl not yet in her teens, for whom Alice has the affection of an elder sister.

Alice may have been an artist in Rome, and there have known Eldredge and his daughter, and thus she may have become their guest in England; or he may be patronizing her now at all events she shall be the friend of the daughter, and shall have a just appreciation of the father's character.