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He had travelled with Winwood Reade, and I looked forward to hearing the opinions of an African Arabic scholar touching the progress and future of El-Islam in the Dark Continent. That it advances with giant steps may be proved by these figures.

The long line of officers at length came to an end, and I fancied that the solemnities were now over; but after a pause appeared the Shekh el-Islam, or High Priest of the Mahometan religion. His authority in religious matters transcends that of the Sultan, and is final and irrevocable.

There is a manliness and honesty in the look of the Mandenga and the Susu never seen in the impudent 'recaptive. The dignity of El-Islam everywhere displays itself: it is the majesty of the monotheist, who ignores the degrading doctrine of original sin; it is the sublime indifference to life which kazá wa kadar, by us meagrely translated 'fatalism, confers upon the votaries of 'the Faith. These are not the remarks of a prejudiced sympathiser with El-Islam: many others have noted the palpable superiority of the Moslem over the missionary convert and the liberated populace of Leone.

Several Moslems also appeared about the town, showing that the flood of El-Islam is fast setting this way. They might profitably be hired as an armed escort into the pagan interior. The date of its building is utterly unknown. They must have found the maritime lands occupied, but they have preserved no notices of their predecessors.

Again the fellah cried to her from the Nile, and now it seemed to her that his voice was certainly warning her that she must withdraw herself, while yet there was time, from the hands of El-Islâm while yet there was time!

I replied with due Oriental gravity, which seemed to justify their respect, for when they met Francois, who is everywhere looked upon as a Turkish janissary, they asked: "Is not your master a Shekh el-Islam?" "You are right: he is," answered the unscrupulous Greek. A Shekh el-Islam is a sort of high-priest, corresponding in dignity to a Cardinal in the Roman Catholic Church.

And as to this sea, it is known by the name of El-Karkar." The Emeer Moosa then said to him: "We are the associates of the King of El-Islam, Abd-El-Melik the son of Marwan; and we have come on account of the bottles of brass that are here in your sea, and wherein are the devils imprisoned from the time of Solomon, the son of David.

The Appearance of the New Moon The Festival of Bairam The Interior of the Seraglio The Pomp of the Sultan's Court Rescind Pasha The Sultan's Dwarf Arabian Stallions The Imperial Guard Appearance of the Sultan The Inner Court Return of the Procession The Sultan on his Throne The Homage of the Pashas An Oriental Picture Kissing the Scarf The Shekh el-Islam The Descendant of the Caliphs Bairam Commences.

A few years may see thousands of them, with mosques by the dozen established upon the sea-board. The 'revival of El-Islam' shows itself nowhere so remarkably as in Africa. At Tumento Cameron found himself growing rapidly worse. He suffered from pains in the legs, and owned that even when crossing Africa during his three years of wild life he remembered nothing more severe.

Secretary evidently forgets the 'civilising' and infectious example of Sa Leone, versus the culture of El-Islam. Arrived at Bishopscourt, we disembarked and visited the place. Here in old days 'satisfaction' was given and taken; and a satirical medico declared that forty years of rencontres had not produced a single casualty.