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He took him into the wards of his hospital, and taught him to be useful at surgical operations and to care for the instruments, that he might become familiar with them and with the sight of blood, which at first maddened him. Once he gave him a drug that made his head throb, and then bled him, with almost instant relief.

He smiled directly after as he thought of this, and lay back wearily, thinking of what folly it was to form such bubble-like ideas; for of course it would have been impossible, even had he possessed the drug, to get it mingled with his captors' food.

Not liking the drug business, I at the end of the first year entered into the employment of the late Worden Newkirk, as a dry goods clerk, with whom I remained three years, and was afterwards for a short time in the large dry goods house of Downs & VanWick, of Chicago.

Don't like the idea of soda-fountain cures. You've a little sunstroke, I think." "No, no, Mr. Visigoth. Why, I've hardly ever had a doctor in my life! The drug store will " "One, two, three march!" "Please!" "March! Got money? Good! I'll have a smoke in the cab. If he's not in, then I'll drive you around to our house doctor." He was in.

The words flashed into his mind as the auto-learner had planted them during his first year of training back in the Pool. "To no alien race shall any Trader introduce any drug, food, or drink from off world, until such a substance has been certified as nonharmful to the aliens." There it was! I-S had them and it was all his fault.

That hour had become a habit with him lately, like he smiled at the comparison like taking a drug. When something happened that forced him to forego it, he felt cheated irrationally irritable. He was furtive about it, too. He never corrected Rose's assumption that the thing which kept him late at the office so much of the time nowadays was a press of work.

"Well, now," said Noble, between his teeth "now, I am goin' to do something!" He turned his back upon that painful house, walked out to the front gate, opened it, passed through, and looked southward. Not quite two blocks away there shone the lights of a corner drug store, still open to custom though the hour was nearing midnight.

"Well then, you come to a drug store with me and we will buy some patent medicine, or something that we can sell to the farmers, and we will travel through the country with your hired rig, leading my horse behind, and peddle from house to house on our way to Adrian, Mich., where I can possibly sell my horse, and you can then return home."

You are but poor fool cozened into swallowing a harmless drug; to-morrow you shall be your sluggish self. Now sleep, but know this I may slay you whenso I will! Ah, ah 'tis better to win my love than my hate." So she loosed me and stood a while looking down on me, then motioned with imperious hand: "Sleep, fool sleep!" she commanded and frowning, turned away.

Cannabis indica is a treacherous narcotic, as every medical man knows full well; but Fu-Manchu's knowledge of the drug was far in advance of our slow science. West's experience proved so much. I may have neglected opportunities later, you shall judge if I did so opportunities to glean for the West some of the strange knowledge of the secret East. Perhaps, at a future time, I may rectify my errors.