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Landois also asserts that he has repeatedly drawn down a whole swarm of gnats by uttering a particular note. It may be added that the mental faculties of the Diptera are probably higher than in most other insects, in accordance with their highly- developed nervous system. See Mr. B.T. Lowne's interesting work, 'On the Anatomy of the Blow-fly, Musca vomitoria, 1870, p. 14. Mr.

Even in the upper and damp region I procured very few, excepting some minute Diptera and Hymenoptera, mostly of common mundane forms. As before remarked, the insects, for a tropical region, are of very small size and dull colours. Mr.

Macgillivray during the voyage of the Rattlesnake, the following have been selected for illustration; references to and descriptions of some of the Diptera, Homoptera, and Hemiptera, collected by him, have appeared in the Catalogues of the British Museum drawn up hy Messrs. Walker and Dallas, while the names and descriptions of others will appear in catalogues in preparation.

Rudiments of two hinder wings are seen in the class Diptera, or two-winged insects Teats of male animals Filaments without anthers in Curcuma, Linum, &c. and styles without stigmas in many plants, shew the advance of the works of nature towards greater perfection Double flowers, or vegetable monsters, how produced The calyx and lower series of petals not changed in double flowers

"You must not complain yet, Chanito; you'll see what it will be when we reach the stream." "How will it be then?" "We shall not be able to open our mouths without swallowing some of these blood-suckers. But, Chanito, do you know what these mosquitoes are?" "Yes, papa told me yesterday that they were diptera, and relations of the gadflys.

The dogs, to escape them, select for their sleeping places spots where a wood fire has been previously kindled; and here prone on the white ashes, their stomachs close to the earth, and their hind legs extended behind, they repose in comparative coolness, and bid defiance to their persecutors. DIPTERA. Mosquitoes.

Again, the processes of development presented by some of these creatures do not by any means point to an origin through the linear coalescence of primitively distinct animals by means of imperfect segmentation. Again, Nicholas Wagner found in certain other Diptera, the Hessian flies, that the larva gives rise to secondary larvæ within it, which develop and burst the body of the primary larva.

Digits, supernumerary, more frequent in men than in women; supernumerary, inheritance of; supernumerary, early development of. Dimorphism, in females of water-beetles; in Neurothemis and Agrion. Diodorus, on the absence of beard in the natives of Ceylon. Dipelicus Cantori, sexual differences of. Diplopoda, prehensile limbs of the male. Dipsas cynodon, sexual difference in the colour of. Diptera.

To-day I find him dried and ready for the insect-pin and the cabinet on the window-sill beneath the web, which affords at all times its liberal entomological assortment Coleoptera, Hymenoptera, Diptera, and Lepidoptera. Many are the rare specimens which I have picked from these charnel remnants of my spider net. Ah, hark! "Waiow!

The mosquitoes of Loreto have a deserved reputation for driving away such visitors as do not care to leave much of their blood with the redoubtable diptera. Manoel had a few appropriate words to say about these insects, and they were not of a nature to encourage an inclination to brave their stings.