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Updated: August 15, 2024

We will remain in touch as necessary by wrist communicators, which will be issued as soon as we are finished here. "I have ordered a disruptor mounted on the lander we will be using. Lieutenant DarLeras, Ranger Medart tells me you are a pilot; since we do not have such a specialist, I would like you to fill that position as well as the combat one you agreed to earlier.

But at least Lieutenant DarLeras told me you would not be shamed by what happened in the exercise." "Not at all," Dawson said cheerfully. "We got a little teasing, of course, but that's no problem any more. I just reminded a couple of the more persistent kidders why we'd been picked for SecuDiv in the first place." "Oh? May I ask how?"

Since Captain Hobison and Lieutenant DarLeras are both Ranger-level and shielded, as well, I would say that hypothesis is correct." "What about Rick and myself?" It hadn't occurred to Corina to check the Emperor or Crown Prince; now she did so. "Both shielded, Your Majesty." "Good.

"You remember Major Dawson, don't you, Sir Corina? His name's Pat; we got to talking while you were hassling with Colonel Greggson. He's going to coach me in unarmed combat he's the ship's men's champion, since Lieutenant DarLeras says it wouldn't be proper for him to compete with non-warriors and he thinks I may have a chance at the women's championship next month."

He acted on that advice, though it proved extremely difficult at times, and succeeded in a number of dangerous missions; one of those earned him a second Sovereign's Medal, and was followed within months by his second mission with Medart. For the meeting between Medart and Nevan, see ADVICE "Captain Nevan DarLeras to see Ranger Medart." "He's expecting you, sir."

No Sandeman had ever studied here, and he was aware of only one who had successfully completed field agent training his predecessor as top agent, Nevan DarLeras, now sworn to the Crown Princess by the totally-binding Sandeman personal-fealty oath. That left a graduate of one of those two schools as DarLowrie's teacher.

And the smell of chocolate chip cookies or a close local equivalent coming from a shop he passed was tempting enough to make his mouth water, but he kept going; Nevan DarLeras' fondness for those was well enough known in the wrong circles that he didn't dare indulge it when he was under cover. Things were definitely not going his way, he decided as he neared the base.

It had been a noble dream, but it was now at an end, and he had only one thing left to do. "I will need a blaster." Corina nodded. "Lieutenant DarLeras," she called. Nevan joined her. "Yes, sir?" "Give Thark your gun." Nevan wanted to protest, but resisted the urge and handed the weapon over with a warning. "Try to harm her, Master Thark, and you're the one who'll die."

Who else have you found?" "Besides yourself, there is Colonel Greggson, as you know from the conference. Also Captain Hobison, and the small Marine from the demonstration, Lieutenant DarLeras." "That one somehow doesn't surprise me," Medart commented. Corina purred briefly.

He barely had time to spot a stunner muzzle in the opening and start reaching for his needler before his ambusher fired and he slumped to the airlock deck. Owajima was a little surprised at the ease of his success, though there was no way even one as skilled as DarLeras was reputed to be could have detected any sign of his entry.

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