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Fantastic buttons, tags and laces, gorgeously embroidered cuffs and collars edged with priceless Mechlin or d'Alençon, bunches of ribands at knee and wrists, full periwigs and over-wide boot-hose tops were everywhere to be seen, whilst the clink of swords against the wooden boards and frequent volleys of loudly spoken French oaths, testified to the absence of those Puritanic fashions and customs which had become the general rule even in London.

"Oh, he would pass a few years in prison not many. The jury is always easy on the rich. But his future is ruined. They the family would have to go away. But even then, rumor would follow them. It travels far nowadays it has a thousand legs, as they say here. Wherever they go they will be known. But Monsieur d'Alencon, what did you think of him, hein? There's a great man what an orator!

This second time Charles de Bourbon brought evil fortune, for he came on the King's part, straitly forbidding D'Alencon and the Maid to march forward another lance's length. Whereat D'Alencon swore profane, and the Maiden, weeping, rebuked him.

The king hates me, his brothers, the Duke of Anjou and the Duke D'Alençon, hate me. Catherine de Medici hated my mother too much not to hate me. Well, against these menaces, which must soon become attacks, I can only defend myself by your aid, for you are beloved by all those who hate me!" "I?" said Marguerite. "Yes, you!" replied Henry.

And now was the will of the Maid and of the Duc d'Alencon broken, and broken was all that great army, whereof some were free lances out of many lands, but more were nobles of France with their men, who had served without price or pay, for love of France and of the Maid.

"But," said I, "Madame, since you have put the question to me, I can only declare I am content to remain as I am;" and this I said because I suspected the design of separating me from my husband was in order to work some mischief against him. Henri, Duc d'Anjou, Elected King of Poland, Leaves France. Huguenot Plots to Withdraw the Duc d'Alencon and the King of Navarre from Court.

I replied that my brother was so prudent, and so strongly attached to the King's service, that he needed no admonition on that head from me or any one else; and that, with respect to myself, I had never given him any other advice than to conform himself to the King's pleasure and the duty he owed him. The Duc d'Alencon Makes His Escape from Court. Queen Marguerite's Fidelity Put to a Severe Trial.

To-day, her dress was of a dull heliotrope, a bunch of Parma violets was fastened in the folds of the fichu at the breast, ruffles of old point d'Alencon lace fell back from her wrists, and as she moved there came the glint of diamonds, discreetly hidden away.

Good Effects of Queen Marguerite's Negotiations in Flanders. She Obtains Leave to Go to the King of Navarre Her Husband, but Her Journey Is Delayed. Court Intrigues and Plots. The Duc d'Alencon Again Put under Arrest. We passed nearly two months together, which appeared to us only as so many days.

"Never," cried Catherine, "shall my race yield to a foreign one! Never shall a Bourbon reign while a Valois lives!" She left the room, followed by D'Alençon. "Henry," said Charles, "after my death you will be great and powerful. D'Anjou will not leave Poland they will not let him. D'Alençon is a traitor. You alone are capable of governing. It is not the regency only, but the throne I give you."