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The French garrisons also began to rob, as they had done before she came. There was 'great pity in France' again, and all her work seemed wasted. The Duc d'Alençon went to his own place of Beaumont, but he returned, and offered to lead an army against the English in Normandy, if the Maid might march with him. Then he would have had followers in plenty, for the people had not wholly lost faith.

The attitude of revolt maintained by the Duc d'Alencon seemed to make it difficult and dangerous to enter into negotiations with a country where the civil wars had assumed so complicated a character, that loyal and useful alliance could hardly be made with any party.

Among other benefits to the town he gave money liberally to revive the manufacture of point d'Alencon; he renewed the trade in linens, and the town had a factory. Inscribing himself thus upon the interests and heart of the masses, by doing what the royalists did not do, du Bousquier did not really risk a farthing.

She used to exercise herself in horsemanship, and knightly sports of tilting, and it is wonderful that a peasant girl became, at once, one of the best riders among the chivalry of France. The young Duc d'Alençon, lately come from captivity in England, saw how gallantly she rode, and gave her a horse.

They show one the rooms where the murder was committed, the door through which the murderer entered, and the private cabinet de travail where the king waited for the news. Here, also, Margaret of Valois married Henry of Navarre, and Charles, Duc d'Alençon, married Margaret of Anjou. But one hardly ever thinks of the weddings which occurred here for the horrors which overshadow them.

Good Effects of Queen Marguerite's Negotiations in Flanders. She Obtains Leave to Go to the King of Navarre Her Husband, but Her Journey Is Delayed. Court Intrigues and Plots. The Duc d'Alencon Again Put under Arrest. We passed nearly two months together, which appeared to us only as so many days.

The Maid told me in her lodging that she had sent you, grandmother, a small gold ring, which was indeed a very small affair, and that she would fain have sent you something better, considering your recommendation. To-day M. d'Alencon, the Bastard of Orleans, and Gaucourt were to leave Selles, following the Maid.

The Duke d'Alencon went to him and got his promise again, which he broke again. Nine days were lost thus; then he came, arriving at St. Denis September 7th. Meantime the enemy had begun to take heart: the spiritless conduct of the King could have no other result. Preparations had now been made to defend the city.

But then, we remembered, France is not the land of humorists, but of wits. Monsieur d'Alencon down yonder, as he rises from his chair to address the judge and jury, will prove to you and me, in the next two hours, how great an orator a Frenchman can be, without trenching an inch on the humorist's ground. The court-room was so still now that you could have heard the fall of a pin.

At all events they were some six miles higher up the river than Orleans. Following Pasquerel, her priest. Procès, iii, 109. Quicherat, Nouveaux Aperçus, p. 76. 'Daughter of God, go on, and I will help thee. Sir Walter Scott reckons that there were five men to each 'lance'; perhaps four men is more usually the right number. In Procès, iv. 414. D'Alençon, Procès, iii. 98. Dunois. Procès, iii. 14.