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Then he made his childish appeal, shrill with misery, "Oh, gentlemen, will you not stop till I say my prayers?" There was an instant pause of surprise, commiseration, constraint the peculiar awkwardness which in Englishmen waits on any provocation to betray feeling. Nobody liked to look at his neighbour to see how he looked, lest there should be the most distant sign of emotion in his own face.

What hurt him most, just now, was the constraint between him and Jack; time was when Jack would have told him immediately of any unpleasant meeting with José. It never occurred to Dade that he himself had fostered the constraint by his moody aloofness when he was fighting the first jealous resentment he had ever felt against the other in the years of their constant companionship.

It was not by the nails through His hands and feet that He was held, nor by the ropes with which His arms were bound, nor by the soldiers watching Him; no, but by invisible bands by the cords of redeeming love and by the constraint of a Divine design. Of this, however, His enemies had no inkling. They were judging Him by the most heathenish standard.

In her constraint and detachment they realized her conscious appreciation of the fact that in earlier times her people had been for the Browns; but in her flashes of interest in the progress of the war, flashes from a woman's unmilitary mind, they judged that her heart was with the Grays. And why not?

Let those who despise the results of such a constraint be consistent and abolish all parental and tutorial control; all educative government of whatsoever description; nay, the imperious restraint of conscience itself, which is often obeyed but grudgingly.

She kept her room for about ten days; a confinement to which she submitted with extreme impatience: bodily pain she bore with fortitude, but constraint and ennui she could not endure. One morning as she was sitting up in bed, looking over a large collection of notes, and cards of inquiry after her health, she exclaimed

He was in a mood to recognize opportunities, and the unprotected condition of Algernon's desk was suggestive. Never was a librarian more hostile to little prying fingers than A. Swinburne of the Winsted City Library. Elsmere felt a certain constraint, even alone with opportunity. The door opened and a very small person came in and walked over to the desk. "What you want?" asked Elsmere gravely.

The table was well spread with delicacies, and although some constraint existed, the wine did its work, and soon Blake and Randall were laughing and joking, as if no cause for ill-feeling existed between them. At Randall's request La Salle gave a summary of their adventures, concluding the recital as follows:

But usually after a little time in Peggy's society, that air of constraint disappeared, greatly to Peggy's satisfaction. That afternoon session was a protracted one. Lucy's attempt to master algebra without a teacher, had been not unlike the efforts of a mariner to navigate without a chart.

She wished she had let her know in some way how much she admired her, and longed to be like her, and how she was going to try all the rest of her life to be a real maid of honor, worthy in every way of her love and confidence. But some shy, unusual feeling of constraint crowded the unspoken words back into her throbbing little throat, and the opportunity passed.