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Updated: August 4, 2024

Clarendon, with a sneer at Davenant's profession of play-writer, makes merry over the choice of such an agent by the Queen, Jermyn, and Colepepper, and relates the result with some malice. Arrived at Newcastle late in September, or early in October, Davenant had delivered his letters to the King, and proceeded to argue according to his instructions.

Mazarin refusing all help, some money was raised otherwise, so as to enable the Prince of Wales, with Prince Rupert, Hopton, Colepepper and others, to embark at Calais for Helvoetsluys. He arrived there early in July, was received with acclamations by the Fleet, and immediately relieved his younger brother in the command.

Wine, soap, salt, and almost every article of domestic consumption fell into the hands of monopolists, and rose in price out of all proportion to the profit gained by the Crown. "They sup in our cup," Colepepper said afterwards in the Long Parliament, "they dip in our dish, they sit by our fire; we find them in the dye-fat, the wash bowls, and the powdering tub.

If so, Colepepper personally did not agree with him, and doubted whether there were six Protestants in the world that did. It was not only by letter that such counsels from France reached Charles.

He had proposed to exchange another shot with his left hand, declaring his capability of shooting quite as well with the left as with the right; but to this both Colepepper and Fitzgibbon had objected. Lord Chiltern had offered to shake hands with his late friend in a true spirit of friendship, if only his late friend would say that he did not intend to prosecute his suit with the young lady.

His closest adherents, his warmest friends, were constitutional Royalists of the temper of Falkland or Colepepper; partizans of an absolute monarchy, of such a monarchy as his grandfather had dreamed of and his father for a few years carried into practice, there now were none. In his political aims therefore Charles could look for no help within his realm.

"Colepepper umph I know somewhat of that smaik," said Richie; "ken ye by ony chance where he may be heard of, Master Jenkin? ye wad do me a sincere service to tell me." "Why, he lives something obscurely," answered the apprentice, "on account of suspicion of some villainy I believe that horrid murder in Whitefriars, or some such matter.

Falkland, Colepepper, and Hyde, with thirty-two peers and sixty members of the House of Commons, joined Charles at York; and Lyttelton, the Lord Keeper, followed with the Great Seal. But one of their aims in joining the king was to put a check on his projects of war; and their efforts were backed by the general opposition of the country.

"But yet but what?" said the bravo. "Nay, I meant nothing," said the scrivener. "Thou didst thou hadst the wind of some good thing," replied Colepepper; "I saw thee pause like a setting dog. Thou wilt say as little, and make as sure a sign, as a well-bred spaniel."

"Even as a clerk to Saint Nicholas as a highwayman, like Poins and Peto, and the good fellows in the play and who think you was to be my captain? for she had the whole out ere I could speak to her I fancy she took silence for consent, and thought me damned too unutterably to have one thought left that savoured of redemption who was to be my captain, but the knave that you saw me cudgel at the ordinary when you waited on Lord Glenvarloch, a cowardly, sharking, thievish bully about town here, whom they call Colepepper."

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