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In 1798 M. Récamier bought the house formerly tenanted by Necker, and later established himself in a château at Clichy, where he received his friends, among whom was Lucien Bonaparte, who attempted the ruin of the beautiful hostess, but without success.

The affair would go before the assizes, and in all the newspapers there would be mention of the "A. P. buttons." He was asked for his customers' names, and after a few days the search began, guided by a list so exact that useless steps were spared. One morning a detective reached the Avenue de Clichy, and found the tailor Valerius in his shop, reading a newspaper.

Simp, who had unexpectedly returned to Paris, and, finding himself again prosperous, came to release Freckle from the toils of Clichy. The latter waved him away. "I wish to know none of you," he said. "I shall serve out this term, and never again speak to an American abroad." He was firm, and achieved his purpose.

When they reached the Place Clichy, the agent asked him if he would take a carriage, but he declined. What good was it? It was a useless expense. Then he saw the agent raise his hat, as if bowing to some one, but this bow was certainly not made to any one; and immediately, the man who had followed them approached. The raising of the hat was a signal.

At the national celebration on July 14th he allowed it to have free vent, and thereupon wrote to the Directory, bitterly reproaching them for their weakness in face of the royalist plot: "I see that the Clichy Club means to march over my corpse to the destruction of the Republic."

So Henry went forth with Mimisse at the end of a strap. In the Boulevard de Clichy who should accost him but Tom, whom he had left asleep as usual at the hotel! 'What dog is that? Tom asked. 'Cosette's, said Henry, unsuccessfully trying to assume a demeanour at once natural and tranquil. 'My young friend, said Tom, 'I perceive that it will be necessary to look after you.

Without her knowledge, Philippe purchased in the rue de Clichy, at a time when no one suspected the value which property in that quarter would one day acquire, a magnificent hotel for two hundred and fifty thousand francs; of which he paid one hundred and fifty thousand down, taking two years to pay the remainder.

Hailing a taxi, he explained to the chauffeur: "Look here, I want you to take me to the Courcelles Station ... there we must find out in what direction the first train passes, either toward Porte Maillot or toward the Avenue de Clichy ..." The man stared stupidly and Juve found it necessary to explain in a few words the quest he was setting out upon.

When they reached the Place Clichy, the agent asked him if he would take a carriage, but he declined. What good was it? It was a useless expense. Then he saw the agent raise his hat, as if bowing to some one, but this bow was certainly not made to any one; and immediately, the man who had followed them approached. The raising of the hat was a signal.

He kept silent, however, for fear of making matters worse, did not venture attempting, to speak to the King, and hastily retired to Clichy to hide his rage and shame.