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Just go and have a look at that garniture de cheminee yonder. There's another, something like it, in the castle of Laeken, but mine's much superior in design." I moved accordingly to the other side of that big room. The garniture was very fine. But while pretending to examine it I watched my man going forward to meet a tall visitor, who said, "I thought you would be disengaged so early.

The original entrance to the fissure, at the top of the cheminée, was, as has been said, at the base of lofty rocks, and we had descended very considerably from the entrance; so that, even without the strange light thrown upon the matter by the small hole overhead, through which we had seen the day struggling to force its way into the cavern, we should have been sure that we were now at an immense distance below the surface.

'Elise! he called, inside and out, knowing already, poor fellow, in his wild despair that there could be no answer that all was over. But there was an answer. Elise was no untaught heroine. She played her part through. There was her letter, propped up against the gilt clock on the sham marble cheminee. He found it and tore it open. 'You will curse me, but after a time you will forgive.

From the background of its black oak walls and furniture emerged figures, lights, pictures, above all an imposing cheminee advancing far into the floor, a high, fantastic structure also of black oak like the panelling of the room, but overrun with chains of black rats, carved and combined with a wild diablerie, and lit by numerous lights in branching ironwork.

Professor Ansted included the Swift in his list, but oddly enough, considering the remark of Mr. Gallienne above quoted, marks it as only occurring in Guernsey. There is no specimen at present in the Museum. SWALLOW, Hirundo rustica, Linnaeus. French, "Hirondelle de Cheminée."

The money that had been taken had been paid her by a fournisseur in the Quartier, who had given her two thousand francs for her garniture de cheminee. A few francs were found among the bed-clothes, and these few francs, she said, were sufficient pour passer sa soiree, and she begged me to go the dressmaker to inquire for the gown that had been promised for ten o'clock.

Fashions and modes were slaves to her caprice, every new creation being dependent upon her approbation for its survivalthe carriage, the cheminée, sofa, bed, chair, fan, and even the étui and toothpick, were fashioned after her ideas. "She is the godmother and queen of the rococo." Such a eulogy, given by the De Goncourt brothers, is not shared by all critics.

However, we were then within a few yards of the desired spot, and half-a-dozen steps showed us a small cheminée, down which a strong and icy current of wind blew. The maire shouted a shout of triumph, and climbed the cheminée; and when we also had done the necessary gymnastics, we found a hole facing almost due north, all within being dark.

Their use lingered long in that country for until recently in many an old family mansion might have been seen a plaque de cheminée, on which was the coat of arms and supporters of the original owner of the château, and sometimes of the kings of France.

"Yes, Madame, I found this under the door when I came in at noon. " She drew a crumpled paper from her apron pocket. I smoothed it out and read: "Je viens de recevior ma feuille. Je pars de suite. Je prends les deux francs sur la cheminee. Jean." Am leaving at once. Have taken the two francs that are on the mantel. I cannot say what an impression that brief but heroic note made upon me.