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"Yes; go and take care of Dobbs; he was only shamming," said Bingley, leaning his head comfortably on the chair-back. Dobbs already was on his feet, and slowly standing quite straight. "Sure you don't want any help?" asked Joel, putting out his hand. "Thanks, no," said Dobbs scornfully, not looking at the hand, but making for the door.

The Government prosecutor, who had sat with shoulders hunched up, his wings pulled in, rose to his feet with the aid of a chair-back, stretched his long arms above his head, and then, lowering one hand level with the girl's face, said, as he thrust one sharp, skinny finger toward her: "Did anybody else come to see you the next night after the robbery?"

The photograph represented a young man with a poetic necktie and untrammelled hair, leaning negligently against a Gothic chair-back, a roll of music in his hand; and beneath was scrawled a bar of Chopin, with the words: " Adieu, Adele." The portrait was that of the great pianist, Fortune Dolbrowski; and its presence on the wall of Mr.

Once or twice Elsa glanced at me, timidly but by no means uncheerfully. Behind the cover of the chair-back I unfastened my box and got out my necklace. Then I waited for Elsa's next look. It seemed entirely in keeping with the occasion that I, as well as Bederhof, should have my present for her, my ornament, my toy. "Their Majesties' carriage will be drawn by four gray horses," said Bederhof.

Dorothy saw the clenched muscles and white knuckles of his hands as he gripped the chair-back before him; and she knew too much to expect him to offer his hand in good- bye. So she backed away, and she still spoke lightly, inconsequently, though she knew her voice was shaking, as she made her adieus. "Well, good-bye, I must be going now, sure. I'll be over to-morrow, though, to finish the book.

Horn repeated mechanically, "A coward!" and his eyes also looked down with a changed expression upon the handsome, soft-featured face, framed in curly blond hair, that lay so silent against the chair-back. Many women had loved this dead man, and many men had been fond of him, for they had believed him capable and manly.

"I know it," he returned in a gentler tone, clasping one of the hands on his chair-back. "I ought to have followed a profession, like my grandfather; but my father's blood was too strong in me. I should never have been content as anything but a working-man." "How can you call your father a working-man?

Put it right square...." But V. Vivian, gazing steadily over the chair-back, had obviously been stoking his inner fuel. "Ah! Rousing public opinion's no use at all?... Why, don't you know that public opinion is the grandfather of your little statute-book laws? Don't you " "Yair. Know. See you say that in your letter."

They are like the prisoner tied to a chair-back, facing a gun. "Yes, this was pretty heavy shell-fire," said an officer who ought to know. "Not so bad as on the trenches which the infantry are to attack that is the first degree. You might call this the second." It was heavy enough to keep any writer from being bored. The second degree will do. We will leave the first until another time.

The state of "holding on" was thus the state to which he was momentarily reduced; if there had been anything, in the great vacancy, to seize, he would presently have been aware of having clutched it as he might under a shock at home have clutched the nearest chair-back.