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And Philip went back and shut his library door and locked it, and was vexed with himself because for half an hour he could not see to go on with his cataloguing. And that evening his mother was pleased to hear him whistling softly an air from the "Mikado" he had not whistled before in weeks. She was equally surprised when a little later he consented to act as Charley's best man.

"Well, I always kinder thought we was suited to one another," Mr. Ramy continued, eased of his momentary doubt. "I always liked de quiet style no fuss and airs, and not afraid of work." He spoke as though dispassionately cataloguing her charms. Ann Eliza felt that she must make an end. "But, Mr. Ramy, you don't understand. I've never thought of marrying." Mr. Ramy looked at her in surprise.

Poverty and the inequality of wealth must be lessened. How is this to be effected? The rich must share with the poor. If the opinion of the conservatives is correct, that the whole evil arises from the decline in moral principle, what can be more immoral and vicious than the consciously indifferent survey of popular sufferings, with the sole object of cataloguing them? What must be done?

Then contemplate a softness beside which the velvet upon the petal of a pansy would seem rigid; and this eye large and timorous, and fringed with long, dark lashes! I do not like the work of cataloguing 'divine wares, especially when my most elaborate estimate must present a picture crude and mathematical compared with the ideal.

When not treated as a basis for getting at the large world beyond, the study of the home geography becomes as deadly as do object lessons which simply summarize the properties of familiar objects. The reason is the same. The imagination is not fed, but is held down to recapitulating, cataloguing, and refining what is already known.

"Very soon," he said. "When you and Cora were cataloguing the books at my house in town I noticed it and spoke to Mrs.

Even with modern audio-visual recording, need exists for some modicum of written recording, which can be rapidly scanned and selected from indexing, cataloguing, tabulating data, et cetera and for at least a few men and women who can form and interpret the written word. Mr.

I bought, and can still buy, those stamps wholesale at a few shillings per thousand, some of them at a few pence per thousand; but I have to pay clerks for handling them and sorting them out, other assistants for cataloguing them, and the printers for printing the catalogue, so that in the end I cannot afford to sell them separately for less than about one penny each, but if you want a few thousand of any value I can sell them to you at a price enormously below what you ask for your collection."

With astounding precocity of which he was completely unaware, he began rapidly sorting and cataloguing noises that had previously conveyed no meaning. He now learned to associate certain sounds with certain sources and place others under tentative listings while awaiting further data. Smells received the same treatment as noises and often the two could be related.

His commonplace books, on the entries in which and the indexing he was accustomed to spend one whole day out of each week, cataloguing the notes of his multifarious reading and pasting in cuttings from newspapers likely to be useful in novel-building, completely filled one of the rooms in his house.