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'Oh laws, Miss Carbury! said Ruby, looking up into the stranger's face. Yes, sure enough she must be Felix's sister. But Ruby did not dare to ask any question. She had admitted to all around her that Sir Felix should not be her lover any more, and that John Crumb should be allowed to return. But, nevertheless, her heart twittered as she showed Miss Carbury up to the lodger's sitting-room.

'We had better not talk about the family, Lady Carbury. 'But I think so much about it. 'You will never get me to say that I think the family will be benefited by a marriage with the daughter of Mr Melmotte. I look upon him as dirt in the gutter. To me, in my old-fashioned way, all his money, if he has it, can make no difference.

'Mr Fisker starts for New York immediately, said Lord Nidderdale. 'I suppose we can muster £600 among us. Ring the bell for Vossner. I think Carbury ought to pay the money as he lost it, and we didn't expect to have our I.O.U.'s brought up in this way. 'Lord Nidderdale, said Sir Felix, 'I have already said that I have not got the money about me.

The man was to her an extraordinary being, so constant, so slow, so unexpressive, so unlike her own countrymen, willing to endure so much, and at the same time so warm in his affections! 'Sir Felix Carbury! he said. 'I'll Sir Felix him some of these days. If it was only dinner, wouldn't she be back afore this, ma'am? 'I suppose they've gone to some place of amusement, said Mrs Hurtle.

'And so you have heard of Mrs Hurtle, he said, with a faint attempt at a smile. 'Yes; Felix told me, and Roger evidently had heard about her. 'Oh yes; Roger Carbury has heard about her from the beginning; knows the whole history almost as well as I know it myself. I don't think your brother is as well informed. 'Perhaps not. But isn't it a story that concerns me?

It was not an hour since Paul himself had referred him to her for corroboration of his own statement. 'Sir Felix Carbury, she said, 'I am afraid you are doing that poor girl no good, and are intending to do her none. It did occur to him very strongly that this could be no affair of Mrs Hurtle's, and that he, as a man of position in society, was being interfered with in an unjustifiable manner.

Roger Carbury when he received the letter from Hetta's mother desiring him to tell her all that he knew of Paul Montague's connection with Mrs Hurtle found himself quite unable to write a reply. He endeavoured to ask himself what he would do in such a case if he himself were not personally concerned.

Hetta was now seated on a sofa hiding her face and weeping. Roger stood perfectly still, listening with respectful silence till Lady Carbury had spoken her last word. And even then he was slow to answer, considering what he might best say. 'I think I had better see him, he replied. 'If, as I imagine, he has not received my cousin's letter, that matter will be set at rest.

'Don't let it end unhappily, Lady Carbury, Mr Loiter had said, 'because though people like it in a play, they hate it in a book. And whatever you do, Lady Carbury, don't be historical.

She was sure now that she would never marry any man. As she made this resolve she had a wicked satisfaction in feeling that it would be a trouble to her mother; for though she was altogether in accord with Lady Carbury as to the iniquities of Paul Montague she was not the less angry with her mother for being so ready to expose those iniquities.