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I hope, I hope I may be strong enough through it all to think more of your happiness than of my own. Then he parted from her abruptly, taking his way over one of the bridges, and leaving her to find her way into the house alone. Roger Carbury's half-formed plan of keeping Henrietta at home while Lady Carbury and Sir Felix went to dine at Caversham fell to the ground.

'And yet it is so important that one should be able to judge correctly of one's own work! I can at any rate trust myself to be honest, which is more perhaps than can be said of all the critics. 'Dishonesty is not the general fault of the critics, Lady Carbury, at least not as far as I have observed the business. It is incapacity.

It was to be carried out only in the event of Hetta's yielding to his prayer. But he had in fact not made a prayer, and Hetta had certainly yielded nothing. When the evening came, Lady Carbury started with her son and daughter, and Roger was left alone. In the ordinary course of his life he was used to solitude.

'Then why does he not go to Mr Melmotte? 'I suppose he is delicate about it on the score of money. If Roger could only let it be understood that Felix is the heir to this place, and that some day he will be Sir Felix Carbury of Carbury, I don't think there would be any difficulty even with old Melmotte. 'How could he do that, mamma? 'If your cousin were to die as he is now, it would be so.

'Nobody can toch it, not if he vas in debt millions. Again he nodded his head. 'I am very glad to hear it for her sake, said Lord Nidderdale as he took his leave. When Roger Carbury returned to Suffolk, after seeing his cousins in Welbeck Street, he was by no means contented with himself. That he should be discontented generally with the circumstances of his life was a matter of course.

He had never allowed himself for a moment to believe that this affair of Mrs Hurtle would really separate him from Hetta Carbury. If she could only really know it all, there could be no such result. He had been true to her from the first moment in which he had seen her, never swerving from his love.

Then she received a long passionate letter from Paul Montague, written at the same time as those other letters to Roger Carbury and Hetta, in which he told her all the circumstances of his engagement to Hetta Carbury, and implored her to substantiate the truth of his own story.

In the year 1800 the Carbury property was sufficient for the Carbury house. Since that time the Carbury property has considerably increased in value, and the rents have been raised. Even the acreage has been extended by the enclosure of commons. But the income is no longer comfortably adequate to the wants of an English gentleman's household.

You cannot think that I meant to offend you. They walked on in silence till they had reached the door leading from the garden into the house, and here he stopped her. 'If I have been over hot with you, let me beg your pardon, She smiled and bowed; but her smile was not one of forgiveness; and then she essayed to pass on into the house. 'Pray do not speak of going, Lady Carbury.

And yet they who were living with him at this time found him to be a very pleasant fellow, fond of amusement, and disposed to make the most of all the good things which came in his way. Under the auspices of Sir Felix Carbury he had become a member of the Beargarden, at which best of all possible clubs the mode of entrance was as irregular as its other proceedings.