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Updated: August 20, 2024

As I was pretty well tired of him, I paid him off in cloth, and permitted him to go. About half way to Kasegera Mabruk Saleem was suddenly taken sick. I treated him with a grain of calomel, and a couple of ounces of brandy. As he was unable to walk, I furnished him with a donkey.

"I done told dat your case is a bad one, and dat's enuff." On Sam's returning to his master's bedside, the latter said, "Well, Sam, what do you think is the matter with him?" "His stomach is out ob order, sar," he replied. "What do you think had better be done for him?" "I tink I'd better bleed him and gib him a dose ob calomel," returned Sam.

Then she smiled faintly, and said, 'Wouldn't it be romantic to be kidnapped? After that she was silent; and within five minutes she slept, for the first time since yesterday." Rita's illness proved to be typhoid fever, a frightful disease in those days of bleeding and calomel. Billy returned home after a few days, but Dic remained to receive his diurnal report from Miss Tousy.

I, therefore, took calomel, and adopted prompt measures of regimen, abstaining from all food, taking nothing but diluents, keeping myself quiet, and occupying the mind with amusing thoughts. By following this practice, at the expiration of three days, I found myself quite convalescent, after which I soon recovered my former health and spirits.

One was fever, but the fiercest fever took to its heels when charged by General Quinine and General Calomel. The other and more common complaint rose from abrasions and cuts. There was always a string of porters lined up for treatment and each went away happy with large pieces of adhesive plaster decorating his ebony skin.

Thereupon the governor shut the door in my face. You must confess, gentleman that Germain would be astonished at the extraordinary liberality of the governor." "Germain would say: 'The governor is out of his head." "And forty sous a-head out of his pocket," said Chalamel. "Well done! the first chemist was right who said: 'Bitter as Calomel!" "Seriously, I believe that the governor is sick."

"Jump up in the rigging, and try to get out of his pouch a whole mess of my stuff he has run off with!" The men only laughed, as they fancied the doctor must be cracked. "For any sake," cried the good-natured physician, "don't make a joke of this matter. The monkey has now in his jaws more than a hundred grains of calomel, and unless you get it from him, he will die to a certainty!"

The crowd which had collected to see the horse shot began to disperse, for it was supper-time, and there was nothing to see now but the poor suffering animal, with Billy Wiggs patiently sitting on its head. When Mrs. Wiggs returned she carried a bottle, and what appeared to be a large marble. "This here is a calomel pill," she explained. "I jes' rolled the calomel in with some soft, light bread.

The clouds, nevertheless, to which I have drawn attention, began almost imperceptibly to move, and the darker ones, breaking into small masses as they floated towards the zenith, dilated and assumed all kinds of shapes. After administering the calomel to King, D returned in an hour. "My Lord," he said, "King is worse. With his hands clasped on his stomach, he sits writhing with anguish.

The extraordinary and disgraceful prevalence of bleeding scarcely fifty years ago, for instance; the murderous doses of calomel and other violent purges; the indiscriminate use of powerful emetics like tartar emetic and ipecac; the universal practice of starving or "reducing" fevers by a diet of slops, were all obvious survivals of the expulsion-of-the-demon theory of treatment.

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