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"I'd do anything to keep the show from busting," said the other with the air of a martyr. "Anything to save my wife's little fortune, and anything to keep my performers from going broke." "I suppose your wife thinks it's all right to get this kid's money away from him," said Dick sarcastically. "She why, of course, she wouldn't know anything about it. She's so blamed finicky."

In a few moments Annixter was declaring at top voice his readiness to mortgage the crop of Quien Sabe, if necessary, for the sake of "busting S. Behrman." He could see no great obstacle in the way of controlling the nominating convention so far as securing the naming of two Railroad Commissioners was concerned. Two was all they needed. Probably it WOULD cost money.

Besides asking questions about stars and other inaccessible incidents of his Cosmos, he liked to "go busting about," as he called it again with one essential condition that the thing should never come to an end by merely happening. Its mystery must remain its beauty.

It must be confessed that his sense of humor possesses also a certain robustness. The J. H. outfit had been engaged for ten days in busting broncos. This the Chinese cook, Sang, a newcomer in the territory, found vastly amusing.

I could always stay under water a minute; this time I reckon I stayed under a minute and a half. Then I bounced for the top in a hurry, for I was nearly busting. I popped out to my armpits and blowed the water out of my nose, and puffed a bit.

Above all, California told tales of Nevada and Arizona, of lonely nights spent out prospecting, the slaughter of deer and the chase of men, of woman lovely woman who is a firebrand in a Western city and leads to the popping of pistols, and of the sudden changes and chances of Fortune, who delights in making the miner or the lumber-man a quadruplicate millionaire and in "busting" the railroad king.

Lee went a trifle redder. "If you two folks just started that fire for fun," grunted Greene finally, "why, then, all I've got to say is you've got a blamed queer idea of fun. Here I've been busting myself wide open to get to it." "Haven't got a flask of brandy on you, have you?" asked Lee. "Yes, I have. And what's more I'm going to take a shot at it right now. If nobody asks you, I need it!"

"Are you happy, dear?" The gentlest of hands touched the red head. "Happy?" Billy blubbered; "I'm busting with it." "Billy!" and now Constance spoke slowly, impressively, "I want to tell you something. It's something we have all thought out. It is, perhaps, another Christmas gift for you, dear. I am going away!" "Going away?" Poor Billy accepted this Christmas offering with horrified anguish.

The flip of the coin had decided their fate. It meant for James McDonald that he had become an apprentice to Kansas Shorty, the Plinger a begging tramp; while for Joseph McDonald it spelled that he had become a companion to Slippery, the Yegg a criminal tramp. "Busting a Broncho."

I've heered tell how them water pipes'll be afther busting up with the first frost, just like an old gun, and I don't want any sich doin's on my premises. No sir! I ain't so old but I can pump water out of a well yet, and it's handy enough. 'Tain't more'n just across the strate, and whin 'tain't dusty, nur snowy, nur muddy, it's all right enough."