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The theft was bad, but the lying about it, and allowing another to suffer so much from an unjust suspicion was worse; and most discouraging of all was the attempt to restore the money in an underhand way, for it showed not only a want of courage, but a power of deceit that boded ill for the future.

As soon as the storm had abated, hundreds, nay thousands, of men, women and children thronged the landing-place round the fallen statue they saw the land-slip and knew that the current had torn the land from the bank and caused the mischief. Was it that Hapi, the Nile-god, was angry with the Emperor? At any rate the disaster that had befallen the image of the sovereign boded evil, that was clear.

The body was hidden in a sack and kept in the house during the next day. At night the day following, they carried it out to the wood near Veilbye. Several times Niels had asked of his brother what all this preparation boded. But Morten answered only, "That is my affair. Do as I tell you, and don't ask questions."

We felt that our lives and fortunes were trembling in the balance. The minutes dragged like hours. While watching we saw several persons enter or leave the bank, and still our friend delayed his appearance. To our suspicious minds there appeared to be strange movements about the bank that boded ill for us.

It was on the morning in which we left her aunt's to return hither that I first noticed some thing peculiar in her look and manner. She seemed absorbed and absent, so much so that I asked her several times to tell me what made her so grave; but I could only get from her that she had had a confused dream which she could not recall distinctly enough to relate, but that she was sure it boded evil.

This was a state of affairs which boded ill for the Turkish Empire, and Selim II. had been educated in a very different manner from that which had hitherto been the custom. Speaking of this, Gibbon says, "Instead of the slothful luxury of the Seraglio, the heirs of royalty were educated in the council and the field.

As he approached the walk that led from the street back to the professor's home he came face to face with Mott and Peter John Schenck. His surprise at meeting them was not greater than that he should find them together, and the fact to his mind boded little good for his classmate. "Going in to see Splinter?" inquired Mott. "Yes." "Better not." "Why?"

And East Anglia shall know what my thoughts are of those reasons." Then two men seized Beorn and cast him into that foul pit, stripped of all things, and the stone fell. But Beorn moved not nor cried out, and I think that even as Ulfkytel had boded, stripped of life itself was he before the bottom of the pit was reached. So the justice of Ulfkytel the Earl came to pass.

"Harry? Who is Harry?" "Why, haven't you heard? Harry Soper. I'm engaged to him." "The lieutenant?" "Certainly. He's going to be promoted, though, if he ever gets on the firing line. It's not his fault that he has to do duty in the walled city. He's aching to get out and fight. But father " Here she paused, her lips coming together with a firmness that boded ill.

Ethel could not deny it, and began to deal them out in piles, looking somewhat more fitting, but still felt neglected and aggrieved, at no one being at leisure but Harry, who was not likely to be of any use to her. Presently she heard the study door open, and hoped; but though it was Richard who entered the room, he was followed by Tom, and each held various books that boded little good to her.