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Blewitt rose in wrath to reply, when the house called out, “Spoke, spoke!” and Blewitt was muzzled; the moral of which is simply this you ask a question in the house, and the individual addressed has a right to insult you, you having no power of rejoinder, under the etiquette ofspoke.” Any flippancy may overturn a man at this rate; and the wordsloud laughter,” printed in italics in the Chronicle, is sure to renew the emotion at every breakfast table the morning after.

Hinton Blewitt, a small and secluded village, 4 m. S.W. from Clutton. The church is Perp., with a fair W. tower. It possesses a stoup and a rather poor piscina. The village, which is on the slope of a hill, commands a pleasant view of the Mendips. Hinton Charterhouse, a small village 6 m. S. of Bath, on the more easterly of the alternative roads from the city to Frome.

One man took the poor, bed-ridden, fretful old creature into his home, paid for medical attendance, and waited on her himself, when his housekeeper couldn't endure her tantrums and temper. Sarah Cooper died two years afterwards, and her latest breath was a benediction on Robert Monroe the best man God ever made. "Eight years ago Jack Blewitt wanted a place.

"Do you venture to call Lieutenant Blewitt `Billy?" exclaimed Angelica, in whose tender besom the full amount of affection she had ever felt had returned for our friend, on supposing that he was in peril and might be lost to her for ever. "I beg your pardon, Miss Angelica. I forgot when I spoke that you and he were spooney on each other," answered Alick, with perfect gravity.

Blewitt, Webb, May, Nicholl, Hayden, Howett, Tilghmann, and last but not least, the future Sir William MacCormack. Dr. Blewitt had a variety of business to transact with the officials of the French Red Cross Society, and I was with him at his interviews with its venerable-looking President, the Count de Flavigny, and others.

"You may be very sure, madam, that if the ship does blow up you will lose everything, but I can't help thinking that the lives of the officers and crew, not to speak of the poor soldiers, are of more consequence than your traps," answered Alick. "Oh dear! oh dear! will the ship blow up, do you suppose?" inquired Angelica. "And poor Lieutenant Blewitt, what will become of him?"

After doddling over his music and boox all day, this young genlmn used to sally out of evenings, dine sumptiously at a tavern, drinkin all sorts of wine along with his friend Mr. Blewitt. He was a quiet young fellow enough at fust; but it was Mr. Well, I needn't say that he who eats a fine dinner, and drinks too much overnight, wants a bottle of soda-water, and a gril, praps, in the morning.

Pore Dawkins! his eyes red with remors and sleepliss drunkenniss, gave a shudder and a sob, as he sunk back in the wehicle; and they drove on. That day he sold out every hapny he was worth, xcept five hundred pounds. Abowt 12 master had returned, and Mr. Dick Blewitt came stridin up the stairs with a sollum and important hair. "Is your master at home?" says he.

Now we have already said that we think Blewitt though an admirable musician seems to be a very silly man. Still, if he really did not know what the duke represented in her Majesty’s government if he really were ignorant of what functions he exercised, the information might have been bestowed upon him without a retort like this.

In his manners he was the very contrary of my master, who was a slim, ellygant man as ever I see he had very white hands, rayther a sallow face, with sharp dark ise, and small wiskus neatly trimmed and as black as Warren's jet he spoke very low and soft he seemed to be watchin the person with whom he was in convysation, and always flatterd everybody. As for Blewitt, he was quite of another sort.