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Updated: August 4, 2024

We were only about twice the time that Sir Culling had calculated on getting over this part of the road with our powerful Galway horses and steady drivers, and reaching Corrib Lodge Sir Culling said: "These roads are not so very bad, we shall get on, Miss Edgeworth, very well, you will see." Corrib Lodge is a neat bleak-looking house, which Mr.

Thompson and the boy were both alert and cheerful. They had, I fancy, been talking all the time. Our junction proved to be a desolate, windswept platform, without a sign of shelter of any kind except a bleak-looking cabin, the habitation of the local R.T.O. Thompson roused him ruthlessly and learned that, with luck, we might expect our next train to start at six. I shivered.

She led the way down a series of corridors to the chamber of the sick man, which was situated in the extreme wing of the building. It was a carpetless, bleak-looking room, scantily furnished with a small truckle bed, a campaigning chair, and a plain deal table, on which were scattered numerous papers and books.

Just opposite the promontory upon whose apex we were placed, and at a distance of some five or six miles out at sea, there was visible a small, bleak-looking island; or, more properly, its position was discernible through the wilderness of surge in which it was enveloped.

"Benham, is it EQUESTRIAN?" Benham made no audible reply. They proceeded resolutely in silence. An air of expectation prevailed in Maltby's yard. In the shafts of a high, bleak-looking vehicle with vast side wheels, a throne-like vehicle that impressed Billy Prothero as being a gig, a very large angular black horse was being harnessed. "This is mine," said Benham compactly.

I followed by a long flight of stairs to an upper story, and was ushered into an uncarpeted and bleak-looking room, with a deal table, two or three chairs and a few books, a small boy and Mr. Dickens for the contents.

Slade's face did not change by so much as the bat of an eye and he failed to reply for a space too long a space, she reflected then turned to her. "Morrow who's he?" he asked. "And why should I look for him?" "He rode for you last year," she said. "Oh! That fellow. I recall him now. Bleak-looking citizen," he said. "And what about him?" "You tell me," she countered.

The house dress that she wore open at the neck and held together by a bleak-looking cameo pin might have been destined for dust rags in some families, and not extravagantly, either. She gazed at her daughter with open admiration. "Thank you so much, Mr. Hooper," said the latter, and as she spoke she barred the entrance through the wooden gate with a dainty arm in a long, white-silk glove.

Poor Wenham has been seeing too many people all his life that is why we have to keep him quiet for a time. You can skip the scenery. I suppose you got to the house at last?" "Yes, I got there," continued her father. "You know what a bleak-looking place it is, right on the side of a bare hill a square, gray stone place just the color of the hillside. Well, I got there and walked in.

The young ladies started to accompany us, but they had not gone far, when they met a poor old laborer and his distressed family, and turned back to take them to the house, and relieve them. On passing the bounds of Abbotsford, we came upon a bleak-looking farm, with a forlorn, crazy old manse, or farmhouse, standing in naked desolation.

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