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Updated: August 23, 2024

To speak frankly, the cider-making is the more picturesque sight of the two, and the new, sweet cider an infinitely better drink than the ordinary, unripe Tuscan wine. Such as it is, however, the latter fills thousands upon thousands of small, flat barrels, and, still growing thinner and sharper, loses the little life it had, as wine, and becomes apotheosized as a more praiseworthy vinegar.

Although sensibility was not the emotional fashion of the day, maternity, in the person of Madame de Sevigne, had been apotheosized into the queen of the passions, if only because of its rarity; still, even this lady's most intimate friends sometimes wearied of banqueting off the feast of Madame de Grignan's virtues.

It certainly did not lie in the mouth of a people, who apotheosized force, to condemn them. What was sauce for the white man's goose was sauce for the black man's gander. The South could not distinguish between this sort of reasoning, and an express and positive appeal to the slaves to cut the throats of their masters.

Everywhere she appeared at his side, at the great receptions, at the courts, in the cities; and she was the first of the Latin women to be apotheosized in the Orient. Paphos called her "divine" and set up statues to her; Mitylene called her the New Aphrodite, Eressus, Aphrodite Genetrix.

For love, or some even less justifiable motive, the old painter had apotheosized these women; he thus gained for them, as far as his skill would go, not only the meed of immortality, but the privilege of presiding over Christian altars, and of being worshipped with far holier fervors than while they dwelt on earth.

From this time forward take counsel to put a stop to the following of the dead." Nomi-no-Sukune, a court-noble now apotheosized as the patron of wrestlers then suggested the substitution of earthen images of men and horses for the living victims; and his suggestion was approved.

And it was done retouched and lingered over long, apotheosized by mighty effort. So I offered it to my Fate. Never before, as at that moment, had Aspiro seemed so worthy to be won at any cost. I trembled as I laid my work before her she so transcended Beauty. But still I hoped. I waited for her dawning smile and outstretched hand, ready to die of attained longing when these should be bestowed.

He is so well loved that he is apotheosized, and thus the real man to many is lost in the clouds. With his name, song and legend have worked their miracles, and to very many Southern people he is a being separate and apart, like Hector or Achilles. With my cousin, Little Emily, I am always very frank and you can be honest and frank with so few in this world of expediency, you know!

Now a moment's reflection will show how the constructive imagination, belonging as it does to the higher faculties, was suppressed by the system of mechanical and superficial education required by the social order. Religion apotheosized ancestral knowledge and customs, thus effectively condemning all conscious use of this faculty.

As compensation he was, though somewhat tardily, canonized as the Spirit of the White Tiger Star. Apotheosized Philosophers The philosophers Lieh Tzu, Huai-nan Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Mo Tzu, etc., have also been apotheosized. Nothing very remarkable is related of them. Most of them had several reincarnations and possessed supernatural powers.

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