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No record iv thransatlantic thravel takes into account th' longest, roughest an' most dangerous part iv th' passage, which is through th' New York custom house. "But 'tis wondherful annyhow. 'Tis wondherful that a man shud cross th' Atlantic ocean annyhow an' 'tis enough to make ye dizzy to think iv him crossin' it in an iron boat that looks like a row iv office buildings.

"They cudden't stand up befure a gr-reat, sthrong nation like ours." "We think we're gr-reat an' sthrong," said Mr. Dooley. "But maybe we on'y look fat to thim. Annyhow, we might roll on thim. Wudden't it be th' grand thing, though, if they licked us an' we signed a threaty iv peace with thim an' with tears iv humilyation in our eyes handed thim th' Ph'lippeens!"

Mebbe'tis, as th' pa-apers say, that Otis has writ himsilf out. Annyhow th' las' chapter isn't thrillin'. He says: 'To-day th' ar-rmy undher my command fell upon th' inimy with gr-reat slaughter an' seized th' important town of Porac which I have mintioned befure, but, he says, 'we ar-re fortunately now safe in Manila. Ye see he doesn't keep up th' intherest to th' end.

And always Jim met it with the same answer: "'Tisn' what we doon; 'tis what 'e doon. An' annyhow it had to bae." Every week Rowcliffe came to see her and every week Jim said to him: "She's at it still and I caan't move 'er." And every week Rowcliffe said: "Wait. She'll be better before long." And Jim waited. He waited till one afternoon in February, when they were again in the stable together.

"Only a postponement, I'm afraid, Murty," said that gentleman, who beamed himself, quite unconsciously. "Yerra, it's no good lookin' ahead time enough to jump over the bridge when y' come to it," said Murty, cheerfully. "Annyhow, she'll not be lavin' on us yit. Well, if y' are ready, sir?" He nodded to Boone and took up his position at the head of Mr. Linton's couch.

Hennessy, "that they're goin' to put a tax on bachelors. That's r-right. Why shudden't there be a tax on bachelors? There's one on dogs." "That's r-right," said Mr. Dooley. "An' they're goin' to make it five dollars a year. Th' dogs pay only two. It's quite a concession to us. They consider us more thin twice as vallyable, or annyhow more thin twice as dangerous as dogs.

'Th' las' load iv beef that come down fr'm th' undhertakers, he says, 'was not good, he says. 'Ayether, he says, ''twas improperly waked, he says, 'or, he says, 'th' pall-bearers was careless, he says. 'Annyhow, he says, 'th' sojers won't eat it; an', whin I left, they was lookin' greedily at th' hay, he says.

Annyhow she lost this bauble, an' looking round I found it on the little knoll where maybe she sat to do her flower wreathin'." He held up an old-fashioned double silver scarf-pin, the two pins held together by a short silver chain, such as shawls were fastened with in those days. Marjie had had the pin in the light scarf she carried on her arm.