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Updated: August 10, 2024

That is, if you divide the current in amperes by the electromotive force in volts the quotient will give you the resistance in ohms. Or if you know what the electromotive force of the current is in volts and the resistance of the circuit is in ohms then you can find what the current flowing in the circuit is in amperes, thus: Volts E = Amperes, or = I Ohms R

In the shop is one cylinder press and three job presses connected to a 2 H. P. motor. This motor is on an incandescent circuit of 110 volts. To develop its rated power at 110 volts would require about 16 amperes in the motor. An ampere motor in series with the motor while running off the morning paper with only the cylinder press in operation stood at 12 amperes.

The finished lamp is then photometrically tested, and placed on a support something like the Edison mounting. Upon it are engraved the working constants. As an ordinary practical result, these lamps, working with 50 volts and 1.15 amperes, give a luminous intensity of 20 candles, or the equivalent in luminous spherical intensity of 1.1 Edison A lamps.

The relux plate, subject now to eddy currents, since there was no other path for the energy to take, began to heat up rapidly. "I'm going to close the switch into the coil now," said Arcot. "Watch the meters." A relay snapped, and instantly the ammeter jumped to read 4500 amperes. The voltmeter gave a slight kick, then remained steady.

This is a small closed iron core transformer of peculiar design and having a primary and a secondary coil wound on it. This device is used to control the variations of the oscillating currents that are set up by the oscillator tube. It is made in three sizes and for the transmitter here described you want the smallest size, which has an output of 1/2 to 1-1/2 amperes. It costs about $10.00.

Combined arc and resistance heating is applied to raise the charge to the melting point. The current is of 120 volts or the same as that used in an ordinary incandescent lighting circuit, but is alternating and of 4,000 amperes. This is for a three-ton furnace.

All of the apparatus for this C. W. telegraph transmitting set is the same as that described for the 100 and 200 mile sets but you will need: one or two 50 watt oscillator tubes with sockets; one key condenser that has a capacitance of 1 mfd., and a rated potential of 1,750 volts; one 0 to 500 milli-ammeter; one aerial ammeter reading to 5 amperes, and an A. C. power transformer for one or two 50 watt tubes.

And with the passing of the last of the nine Metcalf listened to a snapping and a buzzing overhead that told of the burning out of the carbons in the light. "Good work for the expenditure," he murmured, wearily. "Let's see two carbons and about twenty amperes of current, against nine ships at ten millions apiece. Well, we'll soon know whether or not it worked."

The engineer would look at a register and yell back at the manager, who would then set some figures in a book and rush over to the man who was reckoning up the decreasing or increasing amperes or kilowatts or whatever they were of her storage-batteries, and set down more figures; and if the boss had to yell his head off to make himself heard, be sure that the others had to yell even louder.

She complained of being delaisee by the young generation. Still, she remained lively and gracious; her quick intelligence and ready memory were unimpaired by her great age, and it was with eagerness that she seized upon another opportunity for narrating her treasured-up stories of renowned people, particularly of the two Amperes, whom she had known intimately.

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