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The Filament Voltmeter. To get the best results it is necessary that the voltage of the current which heats the filament be kept at the same value all of the time. For this transmitter a direct current voltmeter reading from 0 to 15 volts is used. It is shown at F and costs $7.50. The Oscillation Choke Coil.

For this transmitter you require: one oscillation transformer; one hot-wire ammeter; one aerial series condenser; one grid leak resistance; one chopper; one key circuit choke coil; one 5 watt vacuum tube oscillator; one 6 volt storage battery; one battery rheostat; one battery voltmeter; one blocking condenser; one power circuit choke coil, and one motor-generator. The Oscillation Transformer.

To do this you need only to use a voltmeter across the filament terminals instead of an ammeter in series with it; then regulate the voltage of the filament with a rheostat. The Operation of C. W. Telegraph Transmitters with Alternating Current With Two Oscillator Tubes. In other words these oscillations are sustained but as in the case of those of a single tube, their amplitude rises and falls.

The filament voltmeter is connected across the filament secondary coil terminals, while the plate milli-ammeter is connected to the mid-taps of the plate secondary coil and the filament secondary coil. A 200 to 500 Mile C. W. Telegraph Transmitting Set.

Dodge sank on the floor grasping the instrument, electrocuted. Below, the master criminal could scarcely refrain from exclaiming with satisfaction as his voltmeter registered the powerful current that was passing. A moment later the criminal slid silently into Dodge's room.

We had two-wire underground feeders, sent without any plans or specifications for their installation. The station had neither voltmeter nor ammeter. The current pressure was regulated by a galvanometer. We were using coal costing $12 a ton, and were paid for our light in currency worth fifty cents on the dollar.

The filament voltmeter is connected across the filament secondary coil terminals, while the plate milli-ammeter is connected to the mid-taps of the plate secondary coil and the filament secondary coil. A 200 to 500 Mile C. W. Telegraph Transmitting Set.

An ammeter inserted in the circuit will show at a glance what current is passing at any particular speed, and voltmeter readings are taken at the terminals of the machine, when the same is standing still as well as when the armature is running, because the E.M.F. indicated when the armature is at rest alone determines the commercial efficiency of the motor, whereas the E M.F. developed during motion varies with the speed until it nearly reaches the E.M.F. in the leads; at that point the theoretical efficiency will be highest.

On putting a condenser on the high pressure circuit, the voltmeter wire fused. The possibility of making an alternator excite itself like a series machine, by putting a condenser on it, was pointed out. Prof. Perry said it would seem possible to obtain energy from an alternator without exciting the magnets independently, the field being altogether due to the armature currents. Mr.

The aerial series condenser, the blocking condenser, the grid condenser, the telegraph key, the chopper, the choke coil in the key circuit, the filament voltmeter and the protective condenser in the power circuit are identical with those described for the 5 watt transmitting set. The 50 Watt Vacuum Tube Oscillator.