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Updated: August 28, 2024

Par ordre de l'Empereur, j'ai l'honneur de vous prevenir que vous etes invite, ainsi que Madame Ch. Moulton, a passer 9 jours au Palais de Compiegne, du 27 9'bre au 5 decembre. Des voitures de la Cour vous attendront le 27, a l'arrivee a Compiegne du train partant de Paris a 2 heures 1/2 pour vous conduire au Palais. Agreez, Monsieur, l'assurance de ma consideration tres distinguee.

The scandal of legal measures against a writer so distinguished should be avoided if possible. He will avoid it and get the money somehow; but he must be urgently pressed. If you neglect this warning, my responsibility is past. Agreez mes sentimens les plus sinceres. The Marquis de Rochebriant is no longer domiciled in an attic in the gloomy Faubourg.

Vous, Monsieur, qui etes un styliste accompli, veuillez bien me pardonner les torts que je viens de faire a la belle langue francaise. M. Paul Bourget lui-meme ne lit plus le Grec. Non omnia possumus omnes. Agreez, Monsieur, mes sentiments les plus distingues. LETTER: From S. Gandish, Esq., to the "Newcome Independent." It appears that Mr.

The scandal of legal measures against a writer so distinguished should be avoided if possible. He will avoid it and get the money somehow; but he must be urgently pressed. If you neglect this warning, my responsibility is past. Agreez mes sentimens les plus sinceres. The Marquis de Rochebriant is no longer domiciled in an attic in the gloomy Faubourg.

Agreez, cher Monsieur Reeve, tous mes voeux de nouvel an pour vous et pour tous ceux qui vous sont chers. Bonne sante. Votre bien devoue, Paris, January 11th. I am greatly obliged for the account of your interview with Musurus Pasha. If the key to this business is in our views on the Conference of Berlin, the house is open, and we have nothing to do but enter.

Agreez, Monsieur, l'expression de ma tres grande consideration, a laquelle je joins des sentiments respectueux pour Madame votre femme. To Mr. Norton Longman at this time Reeve wrote primarily on the business of the 'Review, but incidentally on a literary conundrum which was just then causing a little excitement: Foxholes, September 16th.

Agreez mes remerciments bien vifs et bien sinceres pour les Scripture Prints que Mr. Lewis Gruner a bien voulu me remettre de votre part. Si le nom du peintre n'y etait pas, je suis sur qu'en les voyant, je me serais ecrie: Ah! Raphael. C'est tout ce qu'un homme n'ayant, malheureusement, aucune connaissance de l'art, peut vous dire pour vous rendre compte de l'impression que lui a faite la copie.

Agreez, mon cher Reeve, mes salutations bien cordiales, que je presente aussi a toute votre famille. Votre bien devoue, The Journal continues: Charles Peel was appointed Clerk of the Council. 22nd. Jarnac died a great loss. I drove down with Lord Derby to the funeral. April 1st. Saw Salvini in 'Othello' at Drury Lane. Very fine. 2nd. To Christchurch. Roof on house at Foxholes.

Agréez, je vous supplie, l'hommage de mon affectueuse et respectueuse reconnaissance, Somerville and I spent the Christmas at Collingwood with our friends the Herschels. The party consisted of Mr. Airy, Astronomer-Royal, and Mr. Adams, who had taken high honours at Cambridge.

Agreez, Monsieur," &c. It is probable, that even her sisters and most intimate friends did not know of this dread of ultimate blindness which beset her at this period. What eyesight she had to spare she reserved for the use of her father. She did but little plain-sewing; not more writing than could be avoided, and employed herself principally in knitting. "April 2nd, 1845.

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