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Adone, a little nude figure, as white as alabaster in the hot light, for he was very fair of skin, sprang suddenly out of the water on to the turf above where his breeches and shirt had been left; he was in haste, for he had heard his mother calling to him from their fields; an adder started out of a coil of bindweed and would itself round his ankle as he stooped for his clothes.

In a second of time the priest had leaped through the water to his side, seized the adder, and killed it. "Good boy," he said to the child. "If you had moved your foot the creature would have bitten you." Adone's eyes filled with tears. "Thank you, sir; thank you for mother," he said very gently, for he was a shy child, though courageous. The priest stroked his curls.

"Come now," said Villon "about this ballade. How does it run so far?" And beating time with his hand, he read it aloud to Tabary. They were interrupted at the fourth rhyme by a brief and fatal movement among the gamesters. The round was completed, and Thevenin was just opening his mouth to claim another victory, when Montigny leaped up, swift as an adder, and stabbed him to the heart.

A keel nears the shoal; From the slime and the mud Crawl the newt and the adder, The spawn the of flood. Thou stand'st on the rock Where the dreamer beheld thee. O soul, spread thy wings, Ere the glamour hath spell'd thee. O, dread is the tempter, And strong the control; But conquer'd the tempter, If firm be the soul"

"Well, this is a bad night altogether for them that have done well in their time; and if I were ever such a dab at the hautboy or tenor-viol, I shouldn't have the heart to play tunes upon 'em now." Susan now arrived with the frying-pan, when the live adder was killed and the heads of the three taken off.

Set here an' r-rest fr'm th' gratichood iv ye'er fellow-counthrymen, that, as Shakspere says, biteth like an asp an' stingeth like an adder. R-rest here, as ye might r-rest at th' hearth iv millyons iv people that cud give ye no house but their own!" "I dinnaw about that," said Mr. Hennessy. "I like Dewey, but I think he oughtn't to've give away th' gift iv th' nation." "Well," said Mr.

But that was fortunately of a Sunday afternoon when adder and all were torpid, so nothing happened, till a friend, who was following, lifted him off the creature with his large boot. If only one could have known more of his private life more of his relations with his own kind!

The company upon this evening was different from that of the former occasion, consisting of the duc de Duras, first gentleman of the bedchamber, and the duc d'Ayen, who had the reputation of being a great wit; however, in my opinion, he was much more deserving the character of a real fiend; his very breath was poisonous, and his touch venomous as the bite of an adder.

"Well, you know, Farnham is a good sort of fellow, and to keep us from losing time he lets us come to his house in the evening, after working hours, on quarter-day, instead of going to his office in the day-time. You see, I trot up there after supper and get rid of this wad." Offitt's eyes twinkled like those of an adder. "How many of you do this?"

So much is certain, that all snakes cannot be played upon in this way: there are some species which are utterly callous to the influences to which the cobra yields itself so readily. No missionary will find any difficulty in getting a snake-charmer to appreciate that Scripture text about the deaf adder which will not listen to the voice of the charmer, charm he never so wisely.