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This difference in the writing of Tacitus and the author of the Annals may be accounted for in many ways, perhaps in none better than this: When Tacitus lived no one despaired of public cares being attended to, or the plans of the wise being employed in advancing the national welfare; but when the author of the Annals lived, everybody despaired; private profligacy was as rampant as public misery, and, amid the universal degeneracy, scheming politicians disregarded the good and greatness of their country to be intriguers at court for the improvement of their position.

He accounted for it by his theory that Churchill could not help being mean at times, and, therefore, was not wholly responsible. So he contented himself with saying: "Churchill, you are a fool now and then, but you never know it." Then he walked carelessly away before Churchill had made up his mind whether to get angry or to return a sarcastic reply.

Meanwhile, Polly's absence from her room was accounted for, also the fact of Fly finding her father alone. It was seldom that this dearly loved and favorite father, physician, and friend, was left to indulge in solitude. It was the privilege of all privileges to sit by him, read to him, and listen to his talk; and a girl, generally two girls, occupied the coveted chairs by his bedside.

We must understand how our enemy is going to conduct this siege before we calculate our chances. What ammunition have we?" It was little enough that the four of them could display. If every cartridge accounted for a man, small damage would be done to their foes. "I flung a belt of cartridges in a corner of the tower before we left," said Grigosie. They all turned to look at him.

Every one, however, does not experience its force, and happy may those be accounted who are free from it, since it is not only the most unjustifiable and dangerous, but also the most restless and self-tormenting emotion of the soul.

And this brings me to something which I think ought to be said, though I have no proof to bring. Having found of late what things Mrs Rowland can say for a purpose how variously and how monstrously untrue and seeing that all her enterprises are at present directed against the people who live in a pleasant little corner-house " "But why? You have not yet fully accounted for this enmity."

But Abraham did not sacrifice his son with the opinion that this work was a price and propitiatory work for the sake of which he was accounted righteous.

If you were to make a list of those persons accounted the religious men of their respective ages, you would have a ludicrous combination of characters essentially dissimilar. But true people are kindred. Mention the eminently true men, and you will find that they are a brotherhood. There is a family likeness throughout them.

"What is supposed to have been the cause of its appearance?" asked Harry. "Faith, Harry," replied his brother, "I fear there is nobody here can give you that information. To speak for myself, I never heard its appearance accounted for at all. Perhaps Barney Casey knows. Do you, father?" "Not I," replied his father; "but as you say, Charley, we had better try Barney. Call him up."

Whether a standing army in time of peace is made necessary to the change of conduct in foreign courts, it is now useless to inquire; but it will be easily granted by your lordships, that no motive but necessity, necessity absolute and inevitable, ought to influence us to support a standing body of regular forces, which have always been accounted dangerous, and generally found destructive to a free people.