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The most orthodox accepter, so far as intellect goes, of the gospel, who has not been driven by it to ask his own duty in regard to it, and what he is to do to receive its benefits, and to escape from his sins, has not accepted it at all. Peter's answer lays down two conditions: repentance and baptism.

John Burroughs, writing of Thoreau, says: "He improves with age in fact requires age to take off a little of his asperity, and fully ripen him. The world likes a good hater and refuser almost as well as it likes a good lover and accepter only it likes him farther off."

The tragedy arriving from trying to unite in action and purpose where in mind and heart and soul there is no union, no mutual illumination, no mutual comprehension of the point of view, will be everlasting. 'Constater et accepter' and the sooner to 'constater' correctly, the sooner futile struggle ends." "Goodnight.

Axminster a steady, piercing look of inquiry. "Pray, sir," I said, "could you meet that one hundred pounds bill, supposing it could not be paid by the accepter?" "Meet it!" The poor fellow wiped from his forehead the perspiration which suddenly broke out at the bare hint of a probability that the bill would be dishonored "Meet it? O no!

It may, in fact, assume the most objectionable form of accommodation paper. It is not required to rest on any actual, real, or substantial exchange basis. A drawer in one place becomes the accepter in another, and so in turn the accepter may become the drawer upon a mutual understanding. It may at the same time indulge in mere local discounts under the name of bills of exchange.

"I know nothing about business," I replied. An Englishman took the bill, and after a careful examination said he neither knew the drawer, the accepter, nor the backer. "I am the backer," said Castelbajac, "and that ought to be enough, I think." Everybody laughed, besides myself, and I gave it him back courteously, saying politely that he could get it discounted on 'Change the next day.

America, made up of all, cheerfully from the beginning opening her arms to all, the result and justifier of all, of Britain, Germany, France and Spain all here the accepter, the friend, hope, last resource and general house of all she who has harm'd none, but been bounteous to so many, to millions, the mother of strangers and exiles, all nations should now, I say, be paid this dread compliment of general governmental fear and hatred.

His sense of honor recoiled: moreover, in the fulness of his zeal, he had made a vow of chastity, and an apparent breach of it would cause scandal. He consulted his spiritual director and a few intimate friends. Tous, d'un commun accord, lui declarerent que la gloire de Dieu y etait interessee, et qu'il devait accepter."

An accepter and respecter of rank as a social fact and a political principle, he was as proud in his way as the proudest man in the land. Tory as he was, for him every freeborn Englishman was one of the "lords of human kind": a citizen of no mean city, but of one in which ". . . e'en the peasant boasts these rights to scan, And learns to venerate himself as man!"

He calleth them brethren; for though he taught them before to be subject to kings and rulers, and to be obedient to their superiors, yet he teacheth them that in Christ we be all brethren, according to the saying in this same chapter, "God is no accepter of persons."