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"And that play turn out a so egcellent that many people, paying admission ad the door, find they got to pay ag-ain, secon' time, ad their seat, in tear' that they weep; and that make it not so hard for Mélanie, who weep ab-out ten price'. Negs day, Sunday, avter church and dinner, she come yonder ad the home of mademoiselle, you know, Bourbon Street, and sit with her in the gol'fish bower of that li'l' garden behine.

But we've tossed reason aside and are going by instinct, the way I always feel safest in, dear. Ah, poor Anna! Oh, Flora, she's so sweet about it!" "Yes? Ab-out what?" "You, dear, and whoever is suffering the same " Flora softly winced and Constance blamed herself so to have pained another sister's love.

On the way downstairs Flora seized her hands: "Oh, Anna, like always this is just bit-win us? Ah, yes. And, oh, I wish you'd try not to bil-ieve that way ab-out his cousin! Me, I hope no! And yet " "Yet what, love?" "Nothing, but ah, he's so ki-ind to my brother!

I would like to tell you ab-out that biccause tha'z also ab-out that house where we was juz' seeing all that open-work on those balconie', and biccause so interested, you, in old building', you are bound to hear ab-out that some day and probably hear it wrong." "Let's have it now; she told me yesterday to ask you for it." "Mighty solid," the ironworker said, "that old house, so square and high.

"Ah, madame," Beloiseau exclaimed, "you are co'rec'! But, any'ow, in a caze where the two faith' are con-tra-ry 'tis not for you Protestant' to be diztres' ab-out! You, you don' care so much ab-out those myzterie' of bil-ief as about those rule' of conduc'. Almoze, I may say, you run those rule' of conduc' into the groun' and tha'z right!

In the middle of their sitting-room, with the worst done-for look yet, standing behind a frail chair whose back she gripped with both hands, she meditatively said "All privieuse statement' ab-out that court-martial on the 'vacuation of Ford Powell are prim-ature. It has, with highez' approval, acquit' every one concern' in it."

Yeth, he'th crathy ab-out them. Ain't he cute squattin' there all same hoptoad and a-workin' away two-handed? Only he ain't a-workin' now. He's stopped workin'. He's gettin' all red in the face. He's mad at Swing who never done him no harm nohow. Whatsa matter, Racey?" he added in his natural voice. "What bit you on the ear this fine an' summer day?"

And there's another thing his uncle! You know ab-out that, I su'pose?" "Yes, but he come, they'll be sending " "No, no! a moment! Anna! Ah, Anna, you are too wise for me! Anna, do you think" the pair stood in the room with the inquirer's eyes on the floor "you think his cousin is like that?" Anna kissed her temples, one in pity, the other in joy: "No, dear, he's not Adolphe Irby is not."

Ah, that muz' bring some splandid news, that lett'r of Irbee, what you riscieve to-day and think I don't know it. 'T is maybe ab-out Kincaid's Batt'rie, eh?" At Flora's touch the speaker flinched back from the roof's edge, the maiden aiding the recoil. "Don't stand so near, like that," she said. "It temp' me to shove you over." They looked once more to the fleet. Slowly it came on.

They tell some strange stories ab-out them and that 'ouse; cruelty to slave', intrigue with slave', duel' ab-out slave'. Maybe tha'z biccause those iron bar' up and down in sidewalk window', old Spanish fashion; maybe biccause in confusion with that Haunted House in Royal Street, they are so allike, those two house'. But they are cock-an'-bull, those tale'. Wha's true they don't tell, biccause they don' know, and tha'z what I'm telling you ad the present.