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"There are four things which I humbly conceive are essential to the well-being, I may even venture to say, to the existence of the United States, as an independent power. "1st. An indissoluble union of the states under one federal head. "2dly. A sacred regard to public justice. "3dly. The adoption of a proper peace establishment. And, "4thly.

Thus the motives that render power most intolerant combined in the Spartan in his relations to the Helot viz., 1st, necessity for his services, lost perhaps if the curb were ever relaxed 2dly, consummate contempt for the individual he debased. The habit of tyranny makes tyranny necessary. When the slave has been long maddened by your yoke, if you lighten it for a moment he rebels.

In order to ascertain whether this vessel was, as alleged by the United States Consul, an uncondemned prize brought within British waters in violation of Her Majesty's neutrality; and 2dly. What ought to have been done if such had appeared to be really the fact.

Were oats rising in the market? or was he in love? or vexed by politics? or could a horse, and a young one rising four, be supposed to suffer from taedium vitae? Meantime, as respects the general question of brute suicides, two points must be regarded, 1st, That brutes are cut off from the vast world of moral and imaginative sufferings entailed upon man; 2dly, That this very immunity presupposes another immunity

Inclosed, you will find a letter from Count de Rochambeau. He requests you will have the goodness of letting the Minister know what the French army is about, as he had no time of writing to him; it is, I believe, very important. 1st, To send every where to meet the reinforcement, and give them proper directions. 2dly, To have some vessels ready for the West Indies.

II, And if it is still objected, that even in that case there could be no sufficient way of propagating the miracle, with its evidence, to other times or places, the answer must be, 1st. That supposing the purpose merely polemic, that purpose is answered without such a propagation. 2dly.

Memoir delivered by Mungo Park, Esq. to Lord CAMDEN, on the 4th of October, 1804. "A particular account 1st. of the objects to which Mr. Park's attention will be chiefly directed in his journey to the Interior of Africa: 2dly. of the means necessary for accomplishing that journey; and 3dly. of the manner in which he proposes to carry the plans of Government into execution. "The objects which Mr.

The two capital secrets in the art of prose composition are these: 1st, The philosophy of transition and connection, or the art by which one step in an evolution of thought is made to arise out of another: all fluent and effective composition depends on the connections; 2dly, The way in which sentences are made to modify each other; for, the most powerful effects in written eloquence arise out of this reverberation, as it were, from each other in a rapid succession of sentences; and, because some limitation is necessary to the length and complexity of sentences, in order to make this interdependency felt, hence it is that the Germans have no eloquence.

Whatever intelligence, therefore, comes to us professing to be one of our dead friends, comes claiming to be what, from the word of God, we know he is not. But angels of God don't lie; therefore these are not the good angels. Spirits of devils will lie; this is their work; and these are the credentials which at the very outset they hand us. 2dly.

In this you have stated, 1st, That Timothy Green, of this city, was despatched as an agent to Columbia, the seat of government of the state of South Carolina, by the vice-president. 2dly, That he was the eulogist and intercessor for the vice-president. 3dly, That he sent the vice-president despatches regularly, addressed to Mr. John Swartwout, of this city, under cover.