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This work, originally published in German, consists in that language of 2 vols. 8vo. There was likewise published in French, Paris, 1805. 1 vol. 8vo., Voyage en Portugal, par M. le Comte de Hoffmansegg, as a continuation of Link's Travels, the Count having travelled in this country with Mr. Link, and continued in it after the latter left it. Mr.

But his promises were no more seriously given than those of his brethren on the Missouri. Little of permanent value would have been accomplished if the acts of the explorer on September 23, 1805, had been omitted.

He has a young aide-de-camp of the name of Flahault, a son of Talleyrand, while Bishop of Autun, by the then Countess de Flahault, whom Madame Murat would not have been sorry to have had for a consoler at Paris, while her princely spouse was desolating Germany. PARIS, October, 1805.

"I pray you to accept my respectful acknowledgments, and the assurance of my inviolable attachment to the interests and dignity of the Senate. Philadelphia, March 22, 1805. The enclosed paper will show you what is doing here. The subject of convention is about to divide this state into new and inveterate parties.

He gave orders to beat the reveille and the tattoo, to open and shut the palace gates. When the Emperor was with the army, or travelling, he had to find him quarters. In 1805 the Grand Marshal's budget amounted to 2,338,167 francs. In 1806 it reached the sum of 2,770,841 francs.

His acquaintance with Mlle. de Lauberie was that of one who respected her character and appreciated her beauty. In 1805 she was appointed lady in waiting to the Empress, but declined the appointment because of her duties as wife and mother. In the intimacy with Mlle. du Colombier there was more coquetry. She was a year the senior and lived on her mother's estate some miles from the town.

At Kayee, Isaaco, a Mandingo priest and travelling merchant, who had had great experience in inland travelling, was engaged to accompany the expedition as guide. On the 27th April 1805 they left Kayee, under a salute from the guns of the Crescent.

The suicides of the vicious capital are reckoned upon an average to amount to one hundred in the month; and for these last three years, one-tenth, at least, have been emigrants of both sexes! PARIS, September, 1805.

At some distance north of Natchez, and below the third Chickasaw bluff, near the bank of one of the bayous, which seem to run from rather than toward the Mississippi, a band of desperadoes had established a temporary abode, sometime in the year 1805.

This step roused some opposition and many communications upon the subject appeared in the newspapers, which were afterwards collected in pamphlet form. The students soon became numerous and the institution grew to such an extent that, in January, 1805, it was chartered as St. Mary's University. On August 13, 1806, the first class was graduated; in that year there were 106 students.